Ramcharit Charcha (Prologue)

Jai Shri Ram,

There are very many planes on which the religion is rested upon, in similar ways or differing ways. In fact the religious practices are mentioned for the seekers for limited relief or satiate demand but none is meant to work for the one who is all out to finding the reality or the one who is behind basic forces (the creator, the sustainer and the destroyer). Knowing Him one becomes part of Him only. This reality remains hidden due to ignorance about it. The highest point is achieved when this veil of ignorance is removed , it is not reached by getting some thing afresh. The one-pointed mind without desires happens to achieve it. To keep this one-pointedness of the mind is a really uphill task, so many fail while rare few succeed. The saving grace is that the ground covered is not lost and the journey ahead is commenced in the next life.

The basic philosophy is same yet told in varying ways, we have therefore the Buddhists, the Jains , The Sikhs and many other sects and sub-sects who have had an underlying same principle. Here the fact also is that Christianity and Islam have the same common thread running but somehow do not want to engage in discussion to bring this fact to the fore. Even the atheists have to follow the same philosophy as long they say ‘I am’. Theism starts with this acknowledgement and theism is the very basis on which the edifice of Indian religious philosophy is rested upon.

Now, the complexities involved in conveying the basic principle prompted the seers in India to write the ‘Vedantic’ literature and also the ‘Puranas’. The abstract philosophical principles were very ingeniously captured by them in the post-Vedic times in interestingly written ‘leelas’ of different incarnations of the GOD.

As for “Ramayana’, it has got a thousand dimensions…‘Ramkatha ke miti jag nahin’…‘ Ramayan saht koti apaaraa’,…‘Charitam Raghunathsya shat koti pravistaram’.

I invite you to send me any sort of problem faced in life and would strive to provide an answer, a way out, from out of Ramayana with suitable reference.

This is my endeavour to present to you the explanatory narrative of the Ram Katha.

Krishna Khandelwal

Note: My eBook ‘Ramcharit Charcha- Vol I (Bal Kand) is now available at Amazon/Kindle and the following is the link:

Jai Shri Ram, Ram janam sukh mool… Birth of Ram in heart is source of joy. HariOm.

Ramcharit Charcha (Bal Kand : Doha 360 & 361 – End Of Bal Kand)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

सुदिन सोधि कल कंकन छौरे। मंगल मोद बिनोद न थोरे।।
नित नव सुखु सुर देखि सिहाहीं। अवध जन्म जाचहिं बिधि पाहीं।।
बिस्वामित्रु चलन नित चहहीं। राम सप्रेम बिनय बस रहहीं।।
दिन दिन सयगुन भूपति भाऊ। देखि सराह महामुनिराऊ।।
मागत बिदा राउ अनुरागे। सुतन्ह समेत ठाढ़ भे आगे।।
नाथ सकल संपदा तुम्हारी। मैं सेवकु समेत सुत नारी।।
करब सदा लरिकनः पर छोहू। दरसन देत रहब मुनि मोहू।।
अस कहि राउ सहित सुत रानी। परेउ चरन मुख आव न बानी।।
दीन्ह असीस बिप्र बहु भाँती। चले न प्रीति रीति कहि जाती।।
रामु सप्रेम संग सब भाई। आयसु पाइ फिरे पहुँचाई।।
दो0-राम रूपु भूपति भगति ब्याहु उछाहु अनंदु।
जात सराहत मनहिं मन मुदित गाधिकुलचंदु।।360।।

Selecting an auspicious day the strings tied on the wrists of bride and bride-grooms before the marriage (this is done to keep evil spirits away and to single out the bride and bride-groom from others of like age) were removed under ongoing undiminished activities of rejoicing and celebration. There was a new wave of delight there in Ayodhya, the gods were envious of the same and they asked to be granted the boon of being born in Ayodhya. Muni Vishwamitra expressed wish to leave the town almost daily but Ram used to plead with him to stay back, Muni too under spell of Shri Ram’s love stayed back. Considering the ever increasing devotion and respect of King Dashrath towards himself the great sage also had greater appreciation for the king and said so. The day came when Muni Vishwamitra finally wanted to go and wanted to be sent off, it made the king overwhelmed with affection and emotion and he stood before the Muni along with his sons and said, “O Master, all the wealth that I possess belongs to you; know me as your servant along with my queens and my sons. You must be ever benevolent and kind towards the boys besides you must keep visiting my place and give me your Darshan.” Saying thus the king, the queens and the their sons speechlessly laid straight before the Muni, touching his feet. The Muni like a Vipra (though Vishwamitra was a Rajarshi first but had achieved the status of a Brahmarshi through his Tapa and devotion for Shri Ram) in turn gave them blessing in many ways and left while thinking of the indescribable ways of love and the regard of the king and others for himself. Shri Ram accompanied by His brothers went some distance to see off the Muni and returned when so ordered by Muni.

Muni Vishwamitra kept appreciating in his heart the beautiful form of Shri Ram, the great devotional quality of the king, the marriage related rejoicing and celebrations, and divine pleasure of it all, his heart was full of joy while recollecting the events.

We have now covered up to Doha 360 of Bal Kand.

बामदेव रघुकुल गुर ग्यानी। बहुरि गाधिसुत कथा बखानी।।
सुनि मुनि सुजसु मनहिं मन राऊ। बरनत आपन पुन्य प्रभाऊ।।
बहुरे लोग रजायसु भयऊ। सुतन्ह समेत नृपति गृहँ गयऊ।।
जहँ तहँ राम ब्याहु सबु गावा। सुजसु पुनीत लोक तिहुँ छावा।।
आए ब्याहि रामु घर जब तें। बसइ अनंद अवध सब तब तें।।
प्रभु बिबाहँ जस भयउ उछाहू। सकहिं न बरनि गिरा अहिनाहू।।
कबिकुल जीवनु पावन जानी।।राम सीय जसु मंगल खानी।।
तेहि ते मैं कछु कहा बखानी। करन पुनीत हेतु निज बानी।।
छं0-निज गिरा पावनि करन कारन राम जसु तुलसी कह्यो।
रघुबीर चरित अपार बारिधि पारु कबि कौनें लह्यो।।
उपबीत ब्याह उछाह मंगल सुनि जे सादर गावहीं।
बैदेहि राम प्रसाद ते जन सर्बदा सुखु पावहीं।।
सो0-सिय रघुबीर बिबाहु जे सप्रेम गावहिं सुनहिं।
तिन्ह कहुँ सदा उछाहु मंगलायतन राम जसु।।361।।
मासपारायण, बारहवाँ विश्राम
इति श्रीमद्रामचरितमानसे सकलकलिकलुषबिध्वंसने
प्रथमः सोपानः समाप्तः।
(बालकाण्ड समाप्त)

Maharshi Vamdev and the Kulguru of the Raghu’s descendants Muni Vashishttha once again gave account of Muni Vishwamitra, the son of Gadhi, in a detailed manner. Listening to the glories of Muni Vishwamitra King Dashrath became amused in his heart and spoke of his own good fortune of having the grace of Muni, and also taking it to be the result of his own Punya’s effect (the effect of his own good deeds that he might have performed earlier in life or in his earlier lives). The people dispersed when king so indicated and the king himself went to his living quarters along with sons. Every where stories of Shri Ram’s marriage were being sung, His pious name and fame spread all over in the three worlds. Since the time Ram came home after getting married, the whole of Avadh had become abode of divine pleasure. The merrymaking and jamboree at the time of marriage of Lord Shri Ram was beyond the capacity of Sharda and the Sheshnaag to describe. Tulsi says, “Knowing that the life of poet becomes pious by making Ram’s and Sita’s name and fame the subject of his poetry, it is the only mine of welfare and grace hence I have also tried to say something related to it, it is for nothing else but for making my own speech pure and pious.”

Let all know that only for the sake making own power of speech sanctified Tulsi made an attempt to recall glories of Shri Ram, otherwise no poet can ever be able to get across the vast ocean of the glories of Shri Ram i e make full justice in speaking about it and covering all aspects of it, however, who ever will sing the stories about the sacred thread ceremony and marriage related events with due attention and regard will have the reward of a fulfilled life and all pleasures of the world, for them its a time of rejoicing, celebration and all kind of auspiciousness as the glory of Shri Ram contains this in ample measure.”

This covers up to Doha 361 of Bal Kand in Ramcharit Manas of Tulsidas and also marks the end the Bal Kand; it is also the 12th rest for a thirty day recital.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Sitaramabhyam Namah!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal


Ramcharit Charcha (Bal Kand : Doha 358 & 359)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

नीदउँ बदन सोह सुठि लोना। मनहुँ साँझ सरसीरुह सोना।।
घर घर करहिं जागरन नारीं। देहिं परसपर मंगल गारीं।।
पुरी बिराजति राजति रजनी। रानीं कहहिं बिलोकहु सजनी।।
सुंदर बधुन्ह सासु लै सोई। फनिकन्ह जनु सिरमनि उर गोई।।
प्रात पुनीत काल प्रभु जागे। अरुनचूड़ बर बोलन लागे।।
बंदि मागधन्हि गुनगन गाए। पुरजन द्वार जोहारन आए।।
बंदि बिप्र सुर गुर पितु माता। पाइ असीस मुदित सब भ्राता।।
जननिन्ह सादर बदन निहारे। भूपति संग द्वार पगु धारे।।
दो0-कीन्ह सौच सब सहज सुचि सरित पुनीत नहाइ।
प्रातक्रिया करि तात पहिं आए चारिउ भाइ।।358।।

नवान्हपारायण,तीसरा विश्राम

Even in His sleep, face of Shri Ram looked serene, beautiful and attractive like a red lotus in the evening’s twilight hours, half blown but no less beautiful. The ladies of the town in most houses kept waking for the whole night (as per the common practice when the brides come to in-laws place for the first time) and rejoiced by jovially upbraiding each other and inviting auspicious times. The queens called attention of each other saying that city of Ayodhya looked remarkably splendid in the night time today etc . The mothers-in-law took the beautiful brides to their own beds and slept in the manner snakes sleep concealing their prized Manis that rest on their heads.

In the sacred early hour in the morning just before dawn (known as Brahm-Muhurt) Lord Shri Ram awoke and about the same time the cocks started crowing. The bards began to sing the praises of Shri Ram and bowed down; the citizens also gathered at the gate to pay their respects to Shri Ram. Shri Ram Himself, joined by His bothers, got busy in paying His respects to Vipras, the gods, His own Guru Vashishtth and the parents and upon receiving blessings from them all, He and brothers became happy. The mothers looked at the faces of sons with fondness and with whole attention while they moved towards the gate along with King Dashrath. Later all the brothers performed daily routine of cleansing and later took bath in pure and holy waters of the river in the normal course of the day. They then performed Puja and other rituals before returning to father.

We have now covered up to Doha 358 of Balkand which coincides with the 3rd rest for a nine day recital.

भूप बिलोकि लिए उर लाई। बैठै हरषि रजायसु पाई।।
देखि रामु सब सभा जुड़ानी। लोचन लाभ अवधि अनुमानी।।
पुनि बसिष्टु मुनि कौसिक आए। सुभग आसनन्हि मुनि बैठाए।।
सुतन्ह समेत पूजि पद लागे। निरखि रामु दोउ गुर अनुरागे।।
कहहिं बसिष्टु धरम इतिहासा। सुनहिं महीसु सहित रनिवासा।।
मुनि मन अगम गाधिसुत करनी। मुदित बसिष्ट बिपुल बिधि बरनी।।
बोले बामदेउ सब साँची। कीरति कलित लोक तिहुँ माची।।
सुनि आनंदु भयउ सब काहू। राम लखन उर अधिक उछाहू।।
दो0-मंगल मोद उछाह नित जाहिं दिवस एहि भाँति।
उमगी अवध अनंद भरि अधिक अधिक अधिकाति।।359।।

When king saw the brothers coming towards him, he rose up and took them in his arms; the brothers then took permission of the king before sitting down. The assemblage there got enthused and pleased having Shri Ram in their midst and feasted through their eyes over the sight of Shri Ram considering it to be the real benefit of living a whole life time. Shortly Muni Vishwamitra and Guru Vashitth arrived there who were seated on clean and beautiful seats. The king worshiped both along with sons and bowed down at their feet; the sages concentrated on Shri Ram and felt a surge of love. Guru Vashishtth gave some timely advice giving reference from the scriptures and the history which was absorbed by the great king along with his consorts.

Guru Vashishtth also gave an account of what Muni Vishwamitra had done with a sense of elation and pleasure in many ways, he knew that what Muni Vishwamitra had done was beyond imagination of even the Munis leave apart the ordinary souls. Maharshi Vamdev was also present there and endorsed what Vashishtth told and said that Muni Vishwamitra’s glorious name was spreading all across the three worlds. Every one felt nice and fulfilled when they listened to all that transpired there but Ram and Laxman were amused all the more (for they were the ones who had enjoyed every thing because they had company of Muni Vishwamitra during the whole time period under reference).

In Ayodhya the days kept passing peacefully with all sorts of enjoyment, auspicious activities in an upbeat atmosphere, the Avadh region on the whole felt spread of happiness, it was on the rise every passing day.

We have now covered up to Doha 359 of Bal Kand in Ramcharit Manas of Tulsidas.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Sitaramabhyam Namah!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal


Ramcharit Charcha (Bal Kand : Doha 356 & 357)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

भूप बचन सुनि सहज सुहाए। जरित कनक मनि पलँग डसाए।।
सुभग सुरभि पय फेन समाना। कोमल कलित सुपेतीं नाना।।
उपबरहन बर बरनि न जाहीं। स्त्रग सुगंध मनिमंदिर माहीं।।
रतनदीप सुठि चारु चँदोवा। कहत न बनइ जान जेहिं जोवा।।
सेज रुचिर रचि रामु उठाए। प्रेम समेत पलँग पौढ़ाए।।
अग्या पुनि पुनि भाइन्ह दीन्ही। निज निज सेज सयन तिन्ह कीन्ही।।
देखि स्याम मृदु मंजुल गाता। कहहिं सप्रेम बचन सब माता।।
मारग जात भयावनि भारी। केहि बिधि तात ताड़का मारी।।
दो0-घोर निसाचर बिकट भट समर गनहिं नहिं काहु।।
मारे सहित सहाय किमि खल मारीच सुबाहु।।356।।

Listening to the king’s simply spoken words laced with concern the queens asked for the beds to be prepared, the beds that were decorated with gold and studded with gems; on the beds decent embroidered bed-sheets were spread which were as white as the froth of cow’s milk and were very soft. The pillows of indescribable special quality were kept too. The shining room was filled with fragrance of sandalwood paste and perfumes, lamps made of jewels kept there were looking nice also a lovely canopy hanged over the beds. When the inviting bed was ready Ram was called with words laced with affection to get in to the bed and His brothers were also told to occupy their own beds time and again (as they wanted to remain with Ram out of their love for him) only then they went to occupy their beds (meaning that even after them becoming married they had still not stopped loving Ram nor loved him any less, Ram was still the person whose company they wanted most).

The mothers looked at the attractive and tender body of dark complexion of Shri Ram and began to speak to Him. They lovingly asked, “O Son, while on your way in to the jungles how did You kill the dreaded and big sized Tadaka. There were very formidable and wicked demons like Subahu and Mareech who were great warriors themselves and had their own armies too, how did you kill them all.”

We have now covered up to Doha 356 of Bal Kand.

मुनि प्रसाद बलि तात तुम्हारी। ईस अनेक करवरें टारी।।
मख रखवारी करि दुहुँ भाई। गुरु प्रसाद सब बिद्या पाई।।
मुनितय तरी लगत पग धूरी। कीरति रही भुवन भरि पूरी।।
कमठ पीठि पबि कूट कठोरा। नृप समाज महुँ सिव धनु तोरा।।
बिस्व बिजय जसु जानकि पाई। आए भवन ब्याहि सब भाई।।
सकल अमानुष करम तुम्हारे। केवल कौसिक कृपाँ सुधारे।।
आजु सुफल जग जनमु हमारा। देखि तात बिधुबदन तुम्हारा।।
जे दिन गए तुम्हहि बिनु देखें। ते बिरंचि जनि पारहिं लेखें।।
दो0-राम प्रतोषीं मातु सब कहि बिनीत बर बैन।
सुमिरि संभु गुर बिप्र पद किए नीदबस नैन।।357।।

The mothers said, “We are ready to sacrifice ourselves for You but it is only the blessings and grace of Muni Vishwamitra that the God saved You from so many adversities. You two brothers successfully guarded the Yagnas and by the grace of God You have gained deeper knowledge in all fields. The Muni Gautam’s cursed wife Ahalya achieved salvation by just touching the dust of your feet and that has spread your fame all over the world in a big way. The bow of Shiv which was as hard as the back of a tortoise even that was broken by you while in the midst of great kings (who tried themselves and failed). This got you a renown of a world-winner besides You had Janaki as your would be wife. You and all your brothers have now come home after getting married after that event. All these things speak of your deeds which are not possible for a simple human being and have been possible only due to the particular benediction of Muni Vishwamitra, we have been rewarded amply today for having been born on earth on this account and no less on account of being able to look at your moon like face now. We despise for all the days spent which did not allow us to have you before our eyes and the Brahma, the creator, may well discount them.”

Ram listened to what the mothers said in a cool and relaxed manner and then responded by saying suitable and right words in polite manner ensuring their satisfaction. Ram then placed his attention on the feet of Shankar Shambhu, the Guru and the Vipras before closing eyes to get in to sleep mode.

(It is note-worthy here that the mothers have realized that acts of Shri Ram are beyond capacity of humans to do but they have not yet shed to love Shri Ram as their son. The Bhaktas may relate to God in any desired way, any relationship of love and respect may be maintained with Him which is appropriately responded by Him too. Togetherness and oneness with Him becomes easier this way rather than by having to concentrate on His abstract form.)

We have now covered up to Doha 357 of Bal Kand in Ramcharit Manas of Tulsidas.

Bhavani Shankar ki Jai!
Shri Sitarambhyam Namah!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal


Ramcharit Charcha (Bal Kand : Doha 354 & 355)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

सब बिधि सबहि समदि नरनाहू। रहा हृदयँ भरि पूरि उछाहू।।
जहँ रनिवासु तहाँ पगु धारे। सहित बहूटिन्ह कुअँर निहारे।।
लिए गोद करि मोद समेता। को कहि सकइ भयउ सुखु जेता।।
बधू सप्रेम गोद बैठारीं। बार बार हियँ हरषि दुलारीं।।
देखि समाजु मुदित रनिवासू। सब कें उर अनंद कियो बासू।।
कहेउ भूप जिमि भयउ बिबाहू। सुनि हरषु होत सब काहू।।
जनक राज गुन सीलु बड़ाई। प्रीति रीति संपदा सुहाई।।
बहुबिधि भूप भाट जिमि बरनी। रानीं सब प्रमुदित सुनि करनी।।
दो0-सुतन्ह समेत नहाइ नृप बोलि बिप्र गुर ग्याति।
भोजन कीन्ह अनेक बिधि घरी पंच गइ राति।।354।।

King Dashrath honoured everyone in every way possible with a heart bubbling with intense joy and warmth before entering the interior of his palace, the living quarters of the his queens where he keenly looked at the newly wedded couples i e his sons and daughters-in-law; the king then got the princes on to his lap and felt very very pleased. Later he seated the brides too on his lap out of his love for them and hugged while his heart overflowed with kind emotions.

The queens and their attendants were amused by looking at this sight and their hearts were now abode of divine pleasure (and why not, a Bhakta i e Dashrath was now enjoying the benefit of the boon; Dashrath in an earlier life had done great Tapa and had asked the boon to have the Supreme God as his own son). King Dashrath then started to give an account in detail, of the marriage related celebrations which made all the listeners happy. King then praised Janak and his kingdom for the virtues, graces, glories and wealth and the affectionate ways of treatment in many ways just like a bard would. The queens were delighted to listen to all that King Dashrath said (they had not attended the marriage but king’s vivid description filled the gap to their satisfaction).

The king and the sons took bath first and then king called Gurus, the Brahmins and the people of his clan. All of them then enjoyed various preparations till past mid-night.

We have now covered up to Doha 354 of Balkand.

मंगलगान करहिं बर भामिनि। भै सुखमूल मनोहर जामिनि।।
अँचइ पान सब काहूँ पाए। स्त्रग सुगंध भूषित छबि छाए।।
रामहि देखि रजायसु पाई। निज निज भवन चले सिर नाई।।
प्रेम प्रमोद बिनोदु बढ़ाई। समउ समाजु मनोहरताई।।
कहि न सकहि सत सारद सेसू। बेद बिरंचि महेस गनेसू।।
सो मै कहौं कवन बिधि बरनी। भूमिनागु सिर धरइ कि धरनी।।
नृप सब भाँति सबहि सनमानी। कहि मृदु बचन बोलाई रानी।।
बधू लरिकनीं पर घर आईं। राखेहु नयन पलक की नाई।।
दो0-लरिका श्रमित उनीद बस सयन करावहु जाइ।
अस कहि गे बिश्रामगृहँ राम चरन चितु लाइ।।355।।

While the king and others were having their food, festive songs were being sung by aristocratic women and the beautiful night had become source of all joys; the night itself became the root of the pleasure tree. After rinsing mouths all had betel-leaves which were rapped around fragrant stuff. Treated with sandal-paste and scents and duly ornamented, all the people there looked graceful and decent. Having a look at Shri Ram fondly and obtaining permission from the king, people went back to their homes. It is difficult to describe the rejoicing, the repartee, and gracefulness and attraction of the gathering at this occasion even by a hundred Sharadas and Sheshas or even by Vedas, Brahma, Lord Shiv or Ganesha; how then an humble poet like him could do it, Tulsidas thinks, is it ever possible for a reptile of earth i e earth-worm to keep the whole earth on its head.

The king later summoned his queens with all respect and said in a pleasing manner, “The young brides have come from a different family and different place, they should be cared for like the eyelids protect the eyes (they are inexperienced and this is a strange place for them just now hence they should not be treated harshly). The boys are also now feeling sleepy and are tired, they should be made to sleep too.”

Saying thus, the king went to his own resting place while thinking of what Ram had accomplished during his stay with Muni Vishwamitra, what journeys Ram had undertaken along with Muni etc (Dahsrath had listened about Ram’s various activities and successes and was now pondering over it; the Bhaktas also listen to Ram-kathas and they should be also pondering over it while they are ready to rest after the daily chores, it rewards them with deeper meaning in to what is told as Ram-charit, the course of life that Ram lived, and gradually the ultimate truth will reflect and the pure knowledge be gained).

We have now covered up to Doha 355 of Bal Kand in Ramcharit Manas of Tulsidas.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Sitaramabhyam Namah!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal


Ramcharit Charcha (Bal Kand : Doha 352 & 353)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

जो बसिष्ठ अनुसासन दीन्ही। लोक बेद बिधि सादर कीन्ही।।
भूसुर भीर देखि सब रानी। सादर उठीं भाग्य बड़ जानी।।
पाय पखारि सकल अन्हवाए। पूजि भली बिधि भूप जेवाँए।।
आदर दान प्रेम परिपोषे। देत असीस चले मन तोषे।।
बहु बिधि कीन्हि गाधिसुत पूजा। नाथ मोहि सम धन्य न दूजा।।
कीन्हि प्रसंसा भूपति भूरी। रानिन्ह सहित लीन्हि पग धूरी।।
भीतर भवन दीन्ह बर बासु। मन जोगवत रह नृप रनिवासू।।
पूजे गुर पद कमल बहोरी। कीन्हि बिनय उर प्रीति न थोरी।।
दो0-बधुन्ह समेत कुमार सब रानिन्ह सहित महीसु।
पुनि पुनि बंदत गुर चरन देत असीस मुनीसु।।352।।

When in side the palace, King Dashrath did every thing that Guru Vashishtth directed him to do which covered both the Vedic aspects as well as local tradition. The queens noted that many Brahmins had come there and felt pleased; they respectfully got up to wash their feet and arranged for their taking bath. They were later worshiped by the king and were then satisfied with sumptuous meal. The Brahmins appreciated the honor, love and the gifts given to them and left after giving their blessings to the king.

King Dashrath worshiped Muni Vishwamitra with great enthusiasm and praised him wholeheartedly saying, “O Master, there is no body as blessed and fortunate as me (for the grace of Muni had resulted in the marriage of his four sons).” King bowed down before the Muni along with his queens and picked dust of the feet of Muni and all placed it over their own heads. Muni Vishwamitra was given room to stay in the interior region of the palace and was carefully attended throughout the day and night by the ladies of the household and king himself. The princes and the brides also followed the king and the queens and paid their respects at the feet of the Guru Vishwamitra and received blessings of the great Muni.

(Guru Vishwamitra was not an outsider anymore and king ensured that he receives treatment as an elder in the family and more. The Brahmins and the Gurus are expected to be aware of the goings on in the family as only then they may point out any defect in the day to day living style of the householders. Their authority is ever unchallenged, King Dashrath had received such a wonderful reward for unquestionably doing what Muni wanted him to do though initially he was skeptic. He demonstrated a firm resolve to accept the dictates of Guru-like figures in life by his actions and conduct, and to remain obliged for the graces of them at all times.)

We have now covered up to Doha 352 of Bal Kand.

बिनय कीन्हि उर अति अनुरागें। सुत संपदा राखि सब आगें।।
नेगु मागि मुनिनायक लीन्हा। आसिरबादु बहुत बिधि दीन्हा।।
उर धरि रामहि सीय समेता। हरषि कीन्ह गुर गवनु निकेता।।
बिप्रबधू सब भूप बोलाई। चैल चारु भूषन पहिराई।।
बहुरि बोलाइ सुआसिनि लीन्हीं। रुचि बिचारि पहिरावनि दीन्हीं।।
नेगी नेग जोग सब लेहीं। रुचि अनुरुप भूपमनि देहीं।।
प्रिय पाहुने पूज्य जे जाने। भूपति भली भाँति सनमाने।।
देव देखि रघुबीर बिबाहू। बरषि प्रसून प्रसंसि उछाहू।।
दो0-चले निसान बजाइ सुर निज निज पुर सुख पाइ।
कहत परसपर राम जसु प्रेम न हृदयँ समाइ।।353।।

The king placed all his wealth and the services of his sons at the command of Muni Vishwamitra with absolute pleasure (because he was now aware of the Muni’s total commitment to society and that an attitude of guardianship was always nursed by the Muni) but Muni took just as much as was customarily required of him to accept (also the Sadhus do not accept any thing more than the immediate need, they never hoard material stuff for their future needs and expect the society to take care of their needs which is always minimal) and gave manifold blessings. Muni Vishwamitra now happily left for his Ashram but only after having the image of Shri Ram along with Sita firmly implanted in his heart. The Brahmin ladies were also now called by the king who were offered attractive ornaments and garments. The married ladies who had their husband alive were given the apparels of their choice. The ones who should be honored on such occasions were given desired gifts in accordance with their status. All those relatives and friends who should have special attention and regard from the king’s household were treated likewise. The gods enjoyed the event of Shri Ram’s wedding with great interest and expressed their joyful state by raining flowers from heavens, they later retreated to their abodes, their hearts overwhelmed with joy. They could not contain their love for Shri Ram in their hearts and it kept flowing out. They kept telling each other the glories of Shri Ram on their way back.

We have now covered up to Doha 353 of Bal Kand in Ramcharit Manas of Tulsidas.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Sirtaramabhyam Namah!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranaam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal


Ramcharit Charcha (Bal Kand : Doha 350 & 351)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

चारि सिंघासन सहज सुहाए। जनु मनोज निज हाथ बनाए।।
तिन्ह पर कुअँरि कुअँर बैठारे। सादर पाय पुनित पखारे।।
धूप दीप नैबेद बेद बिधि। पूजे बर दुलहिनि मंगलनिधि।।
बारहिं बार आरती करहीं। ब्यजन चारु चामर सिर ढरहीं।।
बस्तु अनेक निछावर होहीं। भरीं प्रमोद मातु सब सोहीं।।
पावा परम तत्व जनु जोगीं। अमृत लहेउ जनु संतत रोगीं।।
जनम रंक जनु पारस पावा। अंधहि लोचन लाभु सुहावा।।
मूक बदन जनु सारद छाई। मानहुँ समर सूर जय पाई।।
दो0-एहि सुख ते सत कोटि गुन पावहिं मातु अनंदु।।
भाइन्ह सहित बिआहि घर आए रघुकुलचंदु।।350(क)।।
लोक रीत जननी करहिं बर दुलहिनि सकुचाहिं।
मोदु बिनोदु बिलोकि बड़ रामु मनहिं मुसकाहिं।।350(ख)।।

Four special thrones that looked very elegant and not out of place were placed there, it seemed that these had been crafted by none other than the cupid himself. The princes and their brides were seated as couples on those thrones and the pious feet of them all were rinsed with care. Incense and lamps were lighted and placed before them and sweet dishes were offered to them in line with the Vedic injunction of doing Puja of the bride and the bride-grooms (who are taken to be representing Lakshmi and Vihsnu), they were taken to be source of all good that was to happen to the family. The lighted lamps were taken around them many times over, hand held fans were blown over them and soft cloth was waved over the heads (all these ritualistic acts represent the five basic elements like earth, water, fire, air and sky, the world consists of these elements and these elements which basically belong to God are offered back to him shedding ownership in them). Many sort of gifts were given away and the mothers enjoyed it all immensely. Their level of satisfaction equaled that of a Yogi up on realization of the ultimate truth, they seemed to have a renewed sense of living as is felt by a patient suffering for long time after he gets a dose of nectar. They felt enriched and rewarded like a person longing for possessions since birth feels up on getting the ‘Paras’ (a stone that converts steel in to gold when it touches it). The mothers had as much enjoyment as a blind person gets by having his eyes back. They found themselves as lucky as would a dumb person after getting back his faculty of speech, their elation was no less than that of a brave warrior getting victory over an enemy on the battle-field.

Its not right to speak of their gains as described above, it was in fact a thousands of millions of times more, after all it was an occasion as important as the return of Shri Ram, the source of pleasure to the entire family of Raghu-dynasty, along with his brothers after getting married. The mothers were engaged in carrying out the celebratory and ritualistic affairs honoring the Vedic ways and the local customs, and the newly weds out of modesty participated however with some reluctance; Lord Ram watched it all with interest and was amused within his heart on account of this celebratory atmosphere and the resulting fun and frolic.

We have now covered up to Doha 350 of Bal Kand.

देव पितर पूजे बिधि नीकी। पूजीं सकल बासना जी की।।
सबहिं बंदि मागहिं बरदाना। भाइन्ह सहित राम कल्याना।।
अंतरहित सुर आसिष देहीं। मुदित मातु अंचल भरि लेंहीं।।
भूपति बोलि बराती लीन्हे। जान बसन मनि भूषन दीन्हे।।
आयसु पाइ राखि उर रामहि। मुदित गए सब निज निज धामहि।।
पुर नर नारि सकल पहिराए। घर घर बाजन लगे बधाए।।
जाचक जन जाचहि जोइ जोई। प्रमुदित राउ देहिं सोइ सोई।।
सेवक सकल बजनिआ नाना। पूरन किए दान सनमाना।।
दो0-देंहिं असीस जोहारि सब गावहिं गुन गन गाथ।
तब गुर भूसुर सहित गृहँ गवनु कीन्ह नरनाथ।।351।।

The mothers then worshiped the gods with devotion and care, they also paid homage to the departed elders of the family with great respect. It was their grace that had brought them such good fortune and let them have all the desires fulfilled. They prayed the gods to bless and ensure welfare of Shri Ram and of His brothers. Though not physically seen, the gods gave them their blessing and which bemused mothers collected by spreading part of their Saarees with expression of gratitude. King Dashrath then called the Baraties who had accompanied him as members of the marriage party and offered them carts, utensils, jewels and ornaments which were gracefully accepted by them while remembering Shri Ram and placing his image in their hearts; they later happily left for their homes with a sense of fulfillment, all of them had been honored with gift of garments. Now all the homes reverberated with sounds of congratulatory messages and music. The King also gave to people all that they specifically wanted, with pleasure. The servants and helpers were given enough items of gifts with acknowledgement for the services they had rendered. All of them wished well of the king and paid respects to him while they mentioned the qualities of their virtuous king. The king now headed towards his living quarters along with the Bhusurs (the Brahmins who are the living gods on earth)

We have covered up to Doha 351 of Bal Kand in Ramcharit Manas of Tulsidas.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Sitaramabhyam Namah!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal


Ramcharit Charcha (Bal Kand : Doha 348 & 349)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

मागध सूत बंदि नट नागर। गावहिं जसु तिहु लोक उजागर।।
जय धुनि बिमल बेद बर बानी। दस दिसि सुनिअ सुमंगल सानी।।
बिपुल बाजने बाजन लागे। नभ सुर नगर लोग अनुरागे।।
बने बराती बरनि न जाहीं। महा मुदित मन सुख न समाहीं।।
पुरबासिन्ह तब राय जोहारे। देखत रामहि भए सुखारे।।
करहिं निछावरि मनिगन चीरा। बारि बिलोचन पुलक सरीरा।।
आरति करहिं मुदित पुर नारी। हरषहिं निरखि कुँअर बर चारी।।
सिबिका सुभग ओहार उघारी। देखि दुलहिनिन्ह होहिं सुखारी।।
दो0-एहि बिधि सबही देत सुखु आए राजदुआर।
मुदित मातु परुछनि करहिं बधुन्ह समेत कुमार।।348।।

Bards, poets and lyricists sang praises (of the solar-dynasty) and the savvy actors skillfully demonstrated through plays the same themes. Calls of victory and pious recital of Vedas in steady voice could be heard from all the ten directions giving a feeling of well-being and good fortune. A number of musical instrument were being played filling the skies with music and making the gods and citizens enchanted. The Baraties were smartly dressed and looked dignified, they were all bubbling with happiness. The citizens paid respects to king and complimented him and when they looked at Shri Ram they were delighted. They started to throw around him jewels and clothes (for the servants and the needy) their eyes filled with tears and bodies thrilled with joy. The ladies of Ayodhya did Aarati of Shri Ram and the brothers with great pleasure and also peeped in to covered palanquins to have a look at the young brides with great interest and felt very pleased.

Making everyone happy and cheerful, the princes reached the doorsteps of the palace and the mothers delightedly came forward to do the Aarati of the newly wedded couples.

We have now covered up to Doha 348 of Bal Kand.

करहिं आरती बारहिं बारा। प्रेमु प्रमोदु कहै को पारा।।
भूषन मनि पट नाना जाती।।करही निछावरि अगनित भाँती।।
बधुन्ह समेत देखि सुत चारी। परमानंद मगन महतारी।।
पुनि पुनि सीय राम छबि देखी।।मुदित सफल जग जीवन लेखी।।
सखीं सीय मुख पुनि पुनि चाही। गान करहिं निज सुकृत सराही।।
बरषहिं सुमन छनहिं छन देवा। नाचहिं गावहिं लावहिं सेवा।।
देखि मनोहर चारिउ जोरीं। सारद उपमा सकल ढँढोरीं।।
देत न बनहिं निपट लघु लागी। एकटक रहीं रूप अनुरागीं।।
दो0-निगम नीति कुल रीति करि अरघ पाँवड़े देत।
बधुन्ह सहित सुत परिछि सब चलीं लवाइ निकेत।।349।।

The mothers kept waving the lighted lamps over around them for longer than ordinarily done out of their excitement and love which knew no bounds. They gave away ornaments, jewels and various kinds of clothes in various ways to the servants and the needy. The mothers felt having out of the world type extreme pleasure and satisfaction when they set their eyes upon the four brothers along with the brides. They wished to look back again and again at Ram and Sita to enjoy their beauty and did so, in this way they felt the complete fulfillment of the ultimate want of their lives. The friends of the mothers also appreciated the beautiful face of Sita and looked at her again and again, they acknowledged it to be the result of their own good deeds in the past that they had such an occasion. The gods continuously showered flowers, sang and danced at this great moment, ever ready to provide whatever was the need. The Goddess Sharda looked for a suitable metaphor to describe the four heart-stealing couples now present before her eyes but failed, nothing could ever be even a near comparison; she kept looking with one pointed attention at them with affection and appreciation.

The mothers performed all rituals as mentioned in Vedas, they also did every thing in line with the local custom; they then took along the sons and their brides in to the interior of the palace, the carpets were laid along the way for them.

We have now covered up to Doha 249 of Bal Kand in Ramcharit Manas of Tulsidas.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Sitaramabhyam Namah!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal


Ramcharit Charcha (Bal Kand : Doha 346 & 347)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

मोद प्रमोद बिबस सब माता। चलहिं न चरन सिथिल भए गाता।।
राम दरस हित अति अनुरागीं। परिछनि साजु सजन सब लागीं।।
बिबिध बिधान बाजने बाजे। मंगल मुदित सुमित्राँ साजे।।
हरद दूब दधि पल्लव फूला। पान पूगफल मंगल मूला।।
अच्छत अंकुर लोचन लाजा। मंजुल मंजरि तुलसि बिराजा।।
छुहे पुरट घट सहज सुहाए। मदन सकुन जनु नीड़ बनाए।।
सगुन सुंगध न जाहिं बखानी। मंगल सकल सजहिं सब रानी।।
रचीं आरतीं बहुत बिधाना। मुदित करहिं कल मंगल गाना।।
दो0-कनक थार भरि मंगलन्हि कमल करन्हि लिएँ मात।
चलीं मुदित परिछनि करन पुलक पल्लवित गात।।346।।

Ecstatic and joyful mothers found their legs unable to move and physical strength ebbing, they were now eagerly awaiting the moment when they would have their dear Shri Ram before their eyes. They were now fully prepared for Parichhan while various sorts of musical instrument were being played. The youngest of the queens Sumitra joyfully readied all the needed holy stuffs like turmeric, Durva (a type of grass), curd, leaves, flowers, betel-leaves & nuts, grains of rice, sprouted plants, Roli (red power made from lime) and Tulsi leaves etc. The nice round-vessels were painted beautifully and covered with leaves, they looked like the nests made by birds of god of love, the spray of perfumes of high quality portended good fortune. The queens wore all the ornaments and make-up signifying welfare and good-fortune. Taking care of all aspects of the Aarti to be performed they started singing melodious songs inviting good times.

With the golden round trays in their hands which were loaded with all the auspicious materials, the mothers cheerfully went ahead to perform welcome ritual, the surge of emotions engulfed their bodies.

We have covered up to Doha 346 of Bal Kand.

धूप धूम नभु मेचक भयऊ। सावन घन घमंडु जनु ठयऊ।।
सुरतरु सुमन माल सुर बरषहिं। मनहुँ बलाक अवलि मनु करषहिं।।
मंजुल मनिमय बंदनिवारे। मनहुँ पाकरिपु चाप सँवारे।।
प्रगटहिं दुरहिं अटन्ह पर भामिनि। चारु चपल जनु दमकहिं दामिनि।।
दुंदुभि धुनि घन गरजनि घोरा। जाचक चातक दादुर मोरा।।
सुर सुगन्ध सुचि बरषहिं बारी। सुखी सकल ससि पुर नर नारी।।
समउ जानी गुर आयसु दीन्हा। पुर प्रबेसु रघुकुलमनि कीन्हा।।
सुमिरि संभु गिरजा गनराजा। मुदित महीपति सहित समाजा।।
दो0-होहिं सगुन बरषहिं सुमन सुर दुंदुभीं बजाइ।
बिबुध बधू नाचहिं मुदित मंजुल मंगल गाइ।।347।।

The incense burning was so intense that it made the skies dark, so much so that it looked as if in the month of Shravan clouds laden with water had overcast the skies. The gods dropped garlands made of flowers of Kalptaru (divine tree) which looked like the rows of herons flying over the skies. The festoons made of strings of jewels looked like rainbows in sky. The elegant and glamorous ladies were peeping down the parapets now and then and it looked like the flashes of lightening. The drum beating sounded like the thunderous noise of clouds, the clamoring by beggars matched the mixed sounds made by the frogs, Chatak and the peacocks. The aromatic rain-drops from heavens made every one utterly happy. The the right auspicious moment arrived when the Guru instructed Shri Ram, the jewel among the Raghus, to enter the precinct of the city who remembering Lord Ganesh and Maa Parvati did enter along with the King and rest of the people in the Barat.

Ram’s entry was signal of good times approaching and good omens started to appear while the gods began to rain flowers and blowing horns. Their consorts went about dancing while singing beautiful songs to celebrate the occasion.

We have now covered up to Doha 347 of Bal Kand in Ramcharit Manas of Tulsidas.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Sitaramabhyam Namah!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal


Ramcharit Charcha (Bal Kand : Doha 344 & 345)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

हने निसान पनव बर बाजे। भेरि संख धुनि हय गय गाजे।।
झाँझि बिरव डिंडमीं सुहाई। सरस राग बाजहिं सहनाई।।
पुर जन आवत अकनि बराता। मुदित सकल पुलकावलि गाता।।
निज निज सुंदर सदन सँवारे। हाट बाट चौहट पुर द्वारे।।
गलीं सकल अरगजाँ सिंचाई। जहँ तहँ चौकें चारु पुराई।।
बना बजारु न जाइ बखाना। तोरन केतु पताक बिताना।।
सफल पूगफल कदलि रसाला। रोपे बकुल कदंब तमाला।।
लगे सुभग तरु परसत धरनी। मनिमय आलबाल कल करनी।।
दो0-बिबिध भाँति मंगल कलस गृह गृह रचे सँवारि।
सुर ब्रह्मादि सिहाहिं सब रघुबर पुरी निहारि।।344।।

There was a great roar of the drum-beating, blowing of conch-shells and the mix of neighing of horses and trumpeting of elephants. Sweet tune through Shahnaai (a musical instrument that is played by blowing) was being played and the cymbals clashed along with other instruments being played when the citizens of Ayodhya learned of return of the Barat and therefore became thrilled. They decorated their beautiful houses as also the markets, the gates and the courtyards. In the streets fragrant water was sprinkled and at places beautiful designs were made on ground with colored earths. Flags, banners and canopies were adding grace to the beautiful decorations in the markets. To add touch of nature, many kinds of trees which had fruits and flowers hanging on them were transplanted in the marketplace along with other decorative trees. Around the bases of trees exquisite stones were used to encircle and beautify them further.

Propitious Kalashas (round vessels) with designs made with different colors were placed over all the houses. Ayodhya, the city of Shri Ram’s birth looked so elegant and marvelous that the gods and Brahma, the creator, themselves felt jealous (gods because their own capital was inferior and Brahma, the creator because he couldn’t have created something like this himself).

We have now covered up to Doha 344 of Bal Kand.

भूप भवन तेहि अवसर सोहा। रचना देखि मदन मनु मोहा।।
मंगल सगुन मनोहरताई। रिधि सिधि सुख संपदा सुहाई।।
जनु उछाह सब सहज सुहाए। तनु धरि धरि दसरथ दसरथ गृहँ छाए।।
देखन हेतु राम बैदेही। कहहु लालसा होहि न केही।।
जुथ जूथ मिलि चलीं सुआसिनि। निज छबि निदरहिं मदन बिलासनि।।
सकल सुमंगल सजें आरती। गावहिं जनु बहु बेष भारती।।
भूपति भवन कोलाहलु होई। जाइ न बरनि समउ सुखु सोई।।
कौसल्यादि राम महतारीं। प्रेम बिबस तन दसा बिसारीं।।
दो0-दिए दान बिप्रन्ह बिपुल पूजि गनेस पुरारी।
प्रमुदित परम दरिद्र जनु पाइ पदारथ चारि।।345।।

The palace of King Dashrath also looked so charming that it stole the heart of even the Kaamdev by its decor. The auspiciousness and good omens, the magnetic appeal, the sumptuousness and accomplishments lured everyone and the place had all the riches. The avidity and mirthfulness had surrounded the home of King Dashrath, besides who could have remained without an intense desire to have a look at the newly wedded couple, Shri Ram and Sita. The married ladies in groups started to move in direction of the palace, they were themselves capable of defying the charm of Rati, the consort of Kaamdev. They held Aarati-Thaals (dish holding the auspicious stuffs and lighted lamps) and were singing and it seemed as if goddess Bharti (the goddess of knowledge and speech) had herself come there taking many forms. Furor and excitement filled the palace as these moments of rejoicing were inexplicable. Kaushlya and other two mothers had also come under spell of love and affection that they even forgot to take care of themselves. The Pujas of Ganesh (the god who eliminates the obstacles and is worshiped first) and Lord Shiv were performed and the Vipras were bestowed upon enormous gifts who felt as if men without means had been rewarded in all four ways (they had been materially rewarded, their desires fulfilled, they had received it as part of ritual completing the Puja and were happy to have been the part of celebration of marriage of none other than Shri Ram, the Supreme God in human forms. No body could have received such rewards at one time and at one place, the grace of God had got them all this).

We have now covered upto Doha 345 of Bal Kand in Ramcharit Manas of Tulsidas.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Sitaramabhyam Namah!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tusidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal
