Ramchari Charcha (Ayodhya Kand : Doha 325 & 326)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

देह दिनहुँ दिन दूबरि होई। घटइ तेजु बलु मुखछबि सोई।।
नित नव राम प्रेम पनु पीना। बढ़त धरम दलु मनु न मलीना।।
जिमि जलु निघटत सरद प्रकासे। बिलसत बेतस बनज बिकासे।।
सम दम संजम नियम उपासा। नखत भरत हिय बिमल अकासा।।
ध्रुव बिस्वास अवधि राका सी। स्वामि सुरति सुरबीथि बिकासी।।
राम पेम बिधु अचल अदोषा। सहित समाज सोह नित चोखा।।
भरत रहनि समुझनि करतूती। भगति बिरति गुन बिमल बिभूती।।
बरनत सकल सुकचि सकुचाहीं। सेस गनेस गिरा गमु नाहीं।।
दो0-नित पूजत प्रभु पाँवरी प्रीति न हृदयँ समाति।।
मागि मागि आयसु करत राज काज बहु भाँति।।325।।

Bharat’s body got thinned down every passing day due to his having Sattvic food (fresh and minimally cooked vegetarian food), this reduced the fat in the body but his strength was maintained as well his face remained glowing as ever before. His resolve to love Shri Ram more and more grew stronger by every passing day, he also leaned towards doing more and more for Dharma but it did not carry any adverse impact on his mind (where one engages in Dharmic activity without an inner conviction but only for display or under pressure, it makes that person somewhat upset and unhappy within but that wasn’t the case with Bharat, his was a natural urge). His progress was like when after the rainy season and with the approach of autumn, the water in lakes and ponds gets reduced, growth of the bamboos and other vegetation in forests is seen to be more robust not diminished.

His mental discipline, suppression of unhealthy feelings, physical control, regularity in practices, and routine of fasting never diminished rather they shined like Nakshatras (a combination of Gruhas or stars) in the clear sky of heart i.e no idea of diluting these practices ever took shape in his mind.

His faith (that Shri Ram would return one day) was as unwavering as the star that is known as Dhruv (pole-star) which is seen at the same place in the sky every night, that night being the period of exile of Shri Ram; the stream of Bharat’s thoughts of devotion towards Shri Ram was like the white milky way in the sky. His love for Shri Ram was like a full-moon that never waned and had no spots and which shined beautifully every day along with the stars as companions.

The way of living adopted by Bharat, his deep understanding of what was right or wrong and his actions most suited to the time, his Bhakti, his dispassion and non-interest in mundane pleasures, his virtuosity and untainted aura was such that even the best of the poets would have a hitch in describing with confidence; even the Sheshnaag, Lord Ganesh or Goddess Sarswati (all known to be gods of wisdom and intellect) could not claim to have a full understanding of what Bharat had set out to do.

Bharat used to engage in devotional service of the sandals of the Lord with love oozing out of his heart and also used to seek approval of ‘sandals’ (i.e he used to compare what he was going to do with what Shri Ram always stood for, getting a reminder of the same through sandals of Shri Ram, the sandals knew very well the course Shri Ram took) before performing any act of governance.

We have now covered up to Doha 325 of Ayodhya Kand.

पुलक गात हियँ सिय रघुबीरू। जीह नामु जप लोचन नीरू।।
लखन राम सिय कानन बसहीं। भरतु भवन बसि तप तनु कसहीं।।
दोउ दिसि समुझि कहत सबु लोगू। सब बिधि भरत सराहन जोगू।।
सुनि ब्रत नेम साधु सकुचाहीं। देखि दसा मुनिराज लजाहीं।।
परम पुनीत भरत आचरनू। मधुर मंजु मुद मंगल करनू।।
हरन कठिन कलि कलुष कलेसू। महामोह निसि दलन दिनेसू।।
पाप पुंज कुंजर मृगराजू। समन सकल संताप समाजू।
जन रंजन भंजन भव भारू। राम सनेह सुधाकर सारू।।

Bharat used to be mostly bodily thrilled while having thought of Shri Ram and Sita in his mind and while muttering name of Lord Shri Ram with his tongue he used to have tears flowing from eyes. All through the period Shri Ram, Sita and Lakshman were going to stay in the wild, Bharat had resolved to observe penance and refuse to have comforts of body (it would not have been improper for Bharat to enjoy what he could have ordinarily in the palace but he knew that this could push him in an state of stupor and distract him from craving for the Lord with same intensity, all devotees, who wish for union with the Lord, too should be careful in this regard).

All those who could appreciate the responsibility of Bharat both ways i.e as an administrator and as a seeker, declared that Bharat is to be praised in every way. The Sadhus used to feel belittled by the regime of vows and practices of Bharat (for they found themselves somewhat lacking in this respect) and the great Munis also used to feel ashamed too comparing their condition and state of their minds with Bharat’s, in pursuit of the Lord. They considered the conduct of Bharat as being most pious which was not only sweet, sober, pleasure-giving, and benefic. It was enough to steal the unbeatable callousness and resulting affliction born out of it; it was like the sun to end the night of delusion. It could work to disintegrate the collection of big sins like a lion disperses the parade of elephants. It could be an instrument of entirely ending all kinds of suffering in society. The nectar dripping out of the moon of affection towards Shri Ram always amuses and thrills the people and in a way that takes away the burden of living life, Bharat had that kind of love for Shri Ram.

छं0-सिय राम प्रेम पियूष पूरन होत जनमु न भरत को।
मुनि मन अगम जम नियम सम दम बिषम ब्रत आचरत को।।
दुख दाह दारिद दंभ दूषन सुजस मिस अपहरत को।
कलिकाल तुलसी से सठन्हि हठि राम सनमुख करत को।।
सो0-भरत चरित करि नेमु तुलसी जो सादर सुनहिं।
सीय राम पद पेमु अवसि होइ भव रस बिरति।।326।।

मासपारायण, इक्कीसवाँ विश्राम
इति श्रीमद्रामचरितमानसे सकलकलिकलुषविध्वंसने
द्वितीयः सोपानः समाप्तः।
(अयोध्याकाण्ड समाप्त)

If Bharat, who contained to the maximum the nectar of love and devotion for Shri Ram and Sita, had not been born, who would have followed the Yamas* and Niyamas** along with equanimity, restraint and would have observed the stern regime of practice according to difficult vows, some aspects of which even the Munis fail to understand therefore miss to practice wholly.

Who would have saved from the heat of woes emanating from poverty and pretentiousness if not Bharat by the spread of his glorious fame (by which all could know how Bharat got over it and follow)?

Tulsi says, “most of all, who would have made dumb people like me follow the path leading to Shri Ram (as Bharat practically demonstrated for even fools to know what was the right path and right objective in life).”

Tulsi lastly declared that whoever will regularly and reverentially listen to a story about the character and practices of Bharat would surely develop love and deep affection for Shri Ram’s feet and be disinterested in cheap mundane pleasures which drive one to do wrongs.

We have now covered up to Doha 326 of Ayodhya Kand and this brings us to 21st rest for a month-long recitation. This is also the end of Ayodhya Kand (the second descent) in the holy book of Shri Ramcharit Manas which can end the malice borne out of the Kali-Yuga.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Jankivallabho Vijayatey!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal

*Yamas i.e ahimsa or nonviolence, Satya or truthfulness, Asteya or nonstealing, brahmacharya or self-control/celibacy and Kshama or patience and also Dhriti or steadfastness, Daya or compassion, Arjava or honesty, Mithahara or moderate eating and aparigraha or absence of greed.

**Niyamas i.e Shaucha or purity of body, mind, and speech, Santosha or contentment, Tapas or austerity, Svadhyaya or self-study or self-effort which leads to knowledge about God, Ishvarpranidhana or surrender to God and also Hri or being modest and showing shame for misdeeds, Dana or giving without seeking reward, Astikya or faith in Guru and God, Mati or cognition/developing a spiritual will and intellect under the guidance of Guru, Vrata or fulfillment of sacred vows, Japa or daily chanting of mantras.


Ramcharit Charcha (Ayodhya Kand : Doha 323 & 324)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

सचिव सुसेवक भरत प्रबोधे। निज निज काज पाइ पाइ सिख ओधे।।
पुनि सिख दीन्ह बोलि लघु भाई। सौंपी सकल मातु सेवकाई।।
भूसुर बोलि भरत कर जोरे। करि प्रनाम बय बिनय निहोरे।।
ऊँच नीच कारजु भल पोचू। आयसु देब न करब सँकोचू।।
परिजन पुरजन प्रजा बोलाए। समाधानु करि सुबस बसाए।।
सानुज गे गुर गेहँ बहोरी। करि दंडवत कहत कर जोरी।।
आयसु होइ त रहौं सनेमा। बोले मुनि तन पुलकि सपेमा।।
समुझव कहब करब तुम्ह जोई। धरम सारु जग होइहि सोई।।
दो0-सुनि सिख पाइ असीस बड़ि गनक बोलि दिनु साधि।
सिंघासन प्रभु पादुका बैठारे निरुपाधि।।323।।

Bharat gave well intended instructions to his ministers and servants who discharged their respective duties as per advice. Then Bharat called his younger brother Shatrughan and entrusted him with responsibility to look after mothers and serve them well.
Bharat also called the Brahmins, the gods on earth, and after doing Pranam he pleaded for having their favor; he asked them to be open about asking him for doing whatever they pleased whether they considered it to be worthy of him or otherwise, he told them he was ready to receive their instructions hence they should not have any reservation.

Bharat also summoned his family members and the citizens and resolved their problems and paved the way for their comfortable living. Lastly, Bharat went to the Guru’s residence along with his brother and after prostration asked him to be allowed to live with practices befitting an ascetic (thinking that while Shri Ram was not living a life of a prince he should not also). Muni delightfully responded to his submission and lovingly told him, “Whatever you think, say, and do is going to be taken as the very gist of all Dharma in the whole world.”

Bharat now had Muni’s approval, he also took some valuable advice from Muni and received his liberal blessings too. Consulting the astrologers he fixed an auspicious hour and day and placed the wooden sandals of Shri Ram on the throne of Ayodhya.

We have now covered up to Doha 323 of Ayodhya Kand.

राम मातु गुर पद सिरु नाई। प्रभु पद पीठ रजायसु पाई।।
नंदिगावँ करि परन कुटीरा। कीन्ह निवासु धरम धुर धीरा।।
जटाजूट सिर मुनिपट धारी। महि खनि कुस साँथरी सँवारी।।
असन बसन बासन ब्रत नेमा। करत कठिन रिषिधरम सप्रेमा।।
भूषन बसन भोग सुख भूरी। मन तन बचन तजे तिन तूरी।।
अवध राजु सुर राजु सिहाई। दसरथ धनु सुनि धनदु लजाई।।
तेहिं पुर बसत भरत बिनु रागा। चंचरीक जिमि चंपक बागा।।
रमा बिलासु राम अनुरागी। तजत बमन जिमि जन बड़भागी।।
दो0-राम पेम भाजन भरतु बड़े न एहिं करतूति।
चातक हंस सराहिअत टेंक बिबेक बिभूति।।324।।

Bharat paid respects at the feet of mother of Shri Ram i e Kaushalya and at the feet of Guru Vashishttha and symbolically obtained the permission from the throne where the sandals of Lord were placed and went to Nandigram; there Bharat, the patient champion of the cause of Dharma, prepared a cottage of leaves for his own living. Tying his matted hair over his head and clad like Munis he dug a pit and spread a layer of Kush as his bedding in its depth (he wanted to sleep at a level lower than Shri Ram who was now sleeping on ground it self). His food, his clothes and his utensils were like those Rishis who live in forest and and adopted the same strict rules, routine and observances as them with total acceptance and willingness.

Bharat refused to do anything with ornaments, costly clothes, and other luxuries and comforts, discarding them totally in practice and even in thought. In terms of quality of administration, even the kingdom of gods could not match Ayodhya, the wealth of King Dashrath could make even Kuber, the god of riches, look small; living in such a grand capital city Bharat lived without any attraction or interest in the same way as the bees do not gather honey from beautiful and fragrant Champak flowers in the garden of same. The fortunate people who develop an attitude of love towards Shri Ram refuse to do anything with what Rama (Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and consort of Lord Vishnu) has to offer, for them the pleasures obtained of wealth are nothing compared to the pleasure of devotion for Lord Shri Ram.

Bharat’s greatness however does not emanate from these actions of his, his greatness is that he is the one whom Shri Ram loves. Is it not that a swan might be praised for his discretion (in separating milk from water) but Chatak is praised for his constant craving for the drops of water that fall only rarely from the sky above (Bharat is great for his constant attention for the arrival of that time when he would be able to meet his beloved Lord and not for his austerities, the austerities are good just as a means, the real objective is to have mind fixed in the thought of the Lord if this real objective is missed the austerities are just an exercise in futility).

We have now covered up to Doha 324 of Ayodhya Kand.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!

Shri Jankivallabho Vijayatey!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal

Ramcharit Charcha (Ayodhya Kand : Doha 321 & 322)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

बिदा कीन्ह सनमानि निषादू। चलेउ हृदयँ बड़ बिरह बिषादू।।
कोल किरात भिल्ल बनचारी। फेरे फिरे जोहारि जोहारी।।
प्रभु सिय लखन बैठि बट छाहीं। प्रिय परिजन बियोग बिलखाहीं।।
भरत सनेह सुभाउ सुबानी। प्रिया अनुज सन कहत बखानी।।
प्रीति प्रतीति बचन मन करनी। श्रीमुख राम प्रेम बस बरनी।।
तेहि अवसर खग मृग जल मीना। चित्रकूट चर अचर मलीना।।
बिबुध बिलोकि दसा रघुबर की। बरषि सुमन कहि गति घर घर की।।
प्रभु प्रनामु करि दीन्ह भरोसो। चले मुदित मन डर न खरो सो।।
दो0-सानुज सीय समेत प्रभु राजत परन कुटीर।
भगति ग्यानु बैराग्य जनु सोहत धरें सरीर।।321।।

Shri Ram then honored Nishad and sent him off too who carried a lot of pain in his heart for being separated from Shri Ram. The Kols, the hunters, the aboriginals and those who had made forest home for Tapasya also went away calling out to Shri Ram respectfully. Lord Shri Ram, Sita, and Lakshman then sat under the Vat tree and lamented about parting from their loved ones. Shri Ram took this occasion to recount in detail the affectionate nature of Bharat in presence of younger brother Lakshman and His beloved Sita; He told them, lost in fond memory of Bharat, explaining the soft feelings of Bharat, his profound faith that was reflected in his speech, thinking, and action. The gods observed that all at Chitrakoot whether birds, animals, the beings who live in water like fishes i.e all the animate beings and even the inanimate ones had become unhealthy and weak finding Raghuver Shri Ram in such a state of grieving and telling all about this common affliction prevalent everywhere they showered flowers in acknowledgment. Shri Ram reverentially responded to the gods and reassured them (that He was aware of the requirement of gods that the demons need to be killed); the gods then left cheerfully without a trace of dread in their hearts.

Lord Shri Ram began to spend days with comfort and grace in His hut made of leaves along with Sita and younger brother Lakshman, it presented a glorious sight as if Bhakti personified as Sita (her level of devotion to Shri Ram was exemplary), truth personified as Shri Ram (the Lord is known to be the ultimate truth and knowing Him is like knowing all) and dispassion personified as Lakshman (having no desire other than to serve the Lord which is possible only when a person it withdrew from the attraction of the mundane world) now lived there.

(Bhakti can exist only there where there is dispassion and where there is Bhakti the Lord is never absent).

We have now covered up to Doha 321 of Ayodhya Kand.

मुनि महिसुर गुर भरत भुआलू। राम बिरहँ सबु साजु बिहालू।।
प्रभु गुन ग्राम गनत मन माहीं। सब चुपचाप चले मग जाहीं।।
जमुना उतरि पार सबु भयऊ। सो बासरु बिनु भोजन गयऊ।।
उतरि देवसरि दूसर बासू। रामसखाँ सब कीन्ह सुपासू।।
सई उतरि गोमतीं नहाए। चौथें दिवस अवधपुर आए।
जनकु रहे पुर बासर चारी। राज काज सब साज सँभारी।।
सौंपि सचिव गुर भरतहि राजू। तेरहुति चले साजि सबु साजू।।
नगर नारि नर गुर सिख मानी। बसे सुखेन राम रजधानी।।
दो0-राम दरस लगि लोग सब करत नेम उपबास।
तजि तजि भूषन भोग सुख जिअत अवधि कीं आस।।322।।

Munis, Brahmins, Guru Vashishttha and King Janak as well as all the rest were upset and distressed on account of being separated from Shri Ram; they all, just recounting the many virtues of Shri Ram in their hearts, were walking along the way. They first crossed river Yamuna and went without food that day, next day they crossed the divine river Ganges and halted for rest. Nishad, the friend of Shri Ram made arrangements for them there and tried his best to make all needed thing available for them. Next they crossed river Sai and had bath in river Gomati. On the fourth day of journey they arrived at Avadhpuri.

King Janak stayed for a few days there and helped in the conduct of administration and paid attention to the smooth functioning of various departments of governance. King Janak, after discharging his duty as an elder, decided to hand over the responsibility of the state to ministers and Bharat, and shortly thereafter he prepared to leave for Tirhut, his kingdom. The citizens now lived happily in the capital city of Ayodhya following the directions of Guru.

The citizens observed the regimen of fasting and other prescribed practices in hope of having an occasion to see Shri Ram later in their lives. They shunned luxuries and consumption orientation and spent days in hope of passing the period of exile of Shri Ram (they knew that disciplined life and simple living along with needed patience while being guided by a competent Guru was sure to reunite them with the Lord).

We have now covered up to Doha 322 of Ayodhya Kand.

सचिव सुसेवक भरत प्रबोधे। निज निज काज पाइ पाइ सिख ओधे।।
पुनि सिख दीन्ह बोलि लघु भाई। सौंपी सकल मातु सेवकाई।।
भूसुर बोलि भरत कर जोरे। करि प्रनाम बय बिनय निहोरे।।
ऊँच नीच कारजु भल पोचू। आयसु देब न करब सँकोचू।।
परिजन पुरजन प्रजा बोलाए। समाधानु करि सुबस बसाए।।
सानुज गे गुर गेहँ बहोरी। करि दंडवत कहत कर जोरी।।
आयसु होइ त रहौं सनेमा। बोले मुनि तन पुलकि सपेमा।।
समुझव कहब करब तुम्ह जोई। धरम सारु जग होइहि सोई।।
दो0-सुनि सिख पाइ असीस बड़ि गनक बोलि दिनु साधि।
सिंघासन प्रभु पादुका बैठारे निरुपाधि।।323।।

Bharat gave well intended instructions to his ministers and servants who discharged their respective duties as per advice. Then Bharat called his younger brother Shatrughan and entrusted him with responsibility to look after mothers and serve them well.
Bharat also called the Brahmins, the gods on earth, and after doing Pranam he pleaded for having their favor; he asked them to be open about asking him for doing whatever they pleased whether they considered it to be worthy of him or otherwise, he told them he was ready to receive their instructions hence they should not have any reservation.

Bharat also summoned his family members and the citizens and resolved their problems and paved the way for their comfortable living. Lastly, Bharat went to the Guru’s residence along with his brother and after prostration asked him to be allowed to live with practices befitting an ascetic (thinking that while Shri Ram was not living a life of a prince he should not also). Muni delightfully responded to his submission and lovingly told him, “Whatever you think, say, and do is going to be taken as the very gist of all Dharma in the whole world.”

Bharat now had Muni’s approval, he also took some valuable advice from Muni and received his liberal blessings too. Consulting the astrologers he fixed an auspicious hour and day and placed the wooden sandals of Shri Ram on the throne of Ayodhya.

We have now covered up to Doha 323 of Ayodhya Kand.

Bhavani Shankar ki Jai!
Shri Jankivallabho Vijayatey!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal

Ramcharit Charcha (Ayodhya Kand : Doha 319 & 320)

II Shree Guruvey namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sti Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai jai Ram II

सानुज राम नृपहि सिर नाई। कीन्हि बहुत बिधि बिनय बड़ाई।।
देव दया बस बड़ दुखु पायउ। सहित समाज काननहिं आयउ।।
पुर पगु धारिअ देइ असीसा। कीन्ह धीर धरि गवनु महीसा।।
मुनि महिदेव साधु सनमाने। बिदा किए हरि हर सम जाने।।
सासु समीप गए दोउ भाई। फिरे बंदि पग आसिष पाई।।
कौसिक बामदेव जाबाली। पुरजन परिजन सचिव सुचाली।।
जथा जोगु करि बिनय प्रनामा। बिदा किए सब सानुज रामा।।
नारि पुरुष लघु मध्य बड़ेरे। सब सनमानि कृपानिधि फेरे।।
दो0-भरत मातु पद बंदि प्रभु सुचि सनेहँ मिलि भेंटि।
बिदा कीन्ह सजि पालकी सकुच सोच सब मेटि।।319।।

Shri Ram along with Lakshman came to King Janak and bowed down; they acclaimed and honored him for his presence there and felt gratified that he came along with many others but expressed concern that due to providence and because of his this act of kindness he had to suffer a lot. They urged the king to bless them and leave for Mithila, the king also keeping his patience decided to leave the place. Both brothers, Shri Ram and Lakshman honored the Munis, the Brahmins, and the seekers taking them to be like Lord Hari and Lord Shiv (the guests in Indian tradition are like God). Then both of them went to meet the mother in law and returned after paying respect and getting her blessings.

Muni Vishwamitra, Vamdev, and Jabali, and the family members and citizens were also given due respect by both according to the status of each one before they left. Men and women who were of the same age and were junior and senior were all given respect and love before Shri Ram, the merciful one, allowed them to leave.
Lastly, Lord Shri Ram made it a point to adore the feet of Bharat’s mother, Kaikeyi, and met her expressing His pure affection towards her; Shri Ram then saw her off, in a palanquin that was duly decorated and had all needed things, in such a way that made her forget her ignominy and the resulting grief.

We have now covered up to Doha 319 of Ayodhya Kand.

परिजन मातु पितहि मिलि सीता। फिरी प्रानप्रिय प्रेम पुनीता।।
करि प्रनामु भेंटी सब सासू। प्रीति कहत कबि हियँ न हुलासू।।
सुनि सिख अभिमत आसिष पाई। रही सीय दुहु प्रीति समाई।।
रघुपति पटु पालकीं मगाईं। करि प्रबोधु सब मातु चढ़ाई।।
बार बार हिलि मिलि दुहु भाई। सम सनेहँ जननी पहुँचाई।।
साजि बाजि गज बाहन नाना। भरत भूप दल कीन्ह पयाना।।
हृदयँ रामु सिय लखन समेता। चले जाहिं सब लोग अचेता।।
बसह बाजि गज पसु हियँ हारें। चले जाहिं परबस मन मारें।।
दो0-गुर गुरतिय पद बंदि प्रभु सीता लखन समेत।
फिरे हरष बिसमय सहित आए परन निकेत।।320।।

Sita also met her family members, her mother and father with love that was pure and pious, she was as dear to them as life. Sita also came to meet mothers in law and did Pranam and embraced them with a lot of affection, it was parting moment too hence the poet has no particular joy in describing it. Sita received advice and desired blessings from both her parents and mothers in law and was now drowned in love of them all.

Shri Ram then called the covered palanquins and after saying soothing but meaningful words helped mothers to sit in. The brothers, Shri Ram and Lakshman, met mothers many times with the same feelings towards them all and saw them go. In duly equipped vehicles and on elephants and horses Bharat and King Janak along with their teams set out on their journeys. All the people only had Shri Ram, Sita, and Lakshman in their minds, and in this way thinking of nothing else, mind withdrawn from all else they kept moving. Similarly, the bulls, elephants, horses, and other animals with their hearts lost in the memory of the Lord kept moving unwillingly but under the control of their masters.

Lastly, Lord Shri Ram along with Sita and Lakshman adored the feet of Guru Vashishttha and Gurumata Arundhati and returned to His cottage with a mixed feeling of satisfaction and dismay.

We have now covered up to Doha 320 of Ayodhya Kand.

Bhavani Shankar ki jai!
Shri Jankivallabho Vijayatey!
Sant Samaj ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal

Ramcharit Charcha (Ayodhya Kand : Doha 317 & 318)

II Shree Guruvey namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

सो कुचालि सब कहँ भइ नीकी। अवधि आस सम जीवनि जी की।।
नतरु लखन सिय राम बियोगा। हहरि मरत सब लोग कुरोगा।।
रामकृपाँ अवरेब सुधारी। बिबुध धारि भइ गुनद गोहारी।।
भेंटत भुज भरि भाइ भरत सो। राम प्रेम रसु कहि न परत सो।।
तन मन बचन उमग अनुरागा। धीर धुरंधर धीरजु त्यागा।।
बारिज लोचन मोचत बारी। देखि दसा सुर सभा दुखारी।।
मुनिगन गुर धुर धीर जनक से। ग्यान अनल मन कसें कनक से।।
जे बिरंचि निरलेप उपाए। पदुम पत्र जिमि जग जल जाए।।
दो0-तेउ बिलोकि रघुबर भरत प्रीति अनूप अपार।
भए मगन मन तन बचन सहित बिराग बिचार।।317।।

The foul trick applied by the chief of gods worked for benefit of the people instead, they now had hope of surviving through the period of exile otherwise the separation from Lakshman, Sita, and Shri Ram would have marred them like a hard to treat the affliction. By the Lord’s grace, a problem defying solution now had been got over; the adverse instance of gods had now worked as a beneficial tool.

At this precise moment, Shri Ram meeting Bharat with arms wrapped around him presented a sight where Ram’s intoxicating love for Bharat went beyond the possibility of being described. His body, mind, and speech became inspired due to affection, and He, the one so mighty in exercising patience also had to become impatient. His eyes that were like lotus, a flower born out of the water, were now oozing water, and this condition of His swayed the gods and they too felt remorseful.

(It is to be absorbed here that the relationship of unparalleled intense love between Shri Ram and Bharat is the same that exists between the Supreme Lord of Universe and the Jeevas. When Jeeva forgets the Lord he forgets this relationship of love too but the Lord never falls short in reciprocating as soon as Jeeva gets reminded of it.)

The Munies and the Guru who characteristically keep control over emotions and King Janak, always profoundly patient, these people whose minds had become pure like gold after going through the treatment under fire of knowledge, who was brought down on earth by Brahma, the creator, only to remain unaffected by weaknesses in the mundane world like the lotus leaves remain dry though born in a pond of water, even such people after observing the unworldly and limitless love between Shri Ram and Bharat were now overwhelmed in body, mind, and speech forgetting dispassion and rational approach.

We have now covered up to Doha 317 of Ayodhya Kand.

जहाँ जनक गुर मति भोरी। प्राकृत प्रीति कहत बड़ि खोरी।।
बरनत रघुबर भरत बियोगू। सुनि कठोर कबि जानिहि लोगू।।
सो सकोच रसु अकथ सुबानी। समउ सनेहु सुमिरि सकुचानी।।
भेंटि भरत रघुबर समुझाए। पुनि रिपुदवनु हरषि हियँ लाए।।
सेवक सचिव भरत रुख पाई। निज निज काज लगे सब जाई।।
सुनि दारुन दुखु दुहूँ समाजा। लगे चलन के साजन साजा।।
प्रभु पद पदुम बंदि दोउ भाई। चले सीस धरि राम रजाई।।
मुनि तापस बनदेव निहोरी। सब सनमानि बहोरि बहोरी।।
दो0-लखनहि भेंटि प्रनामु करि सिर धरि सिय पद धूरि।
चले सप्रेम असीस सुनि सकल सुमंगल मूरि।।318।।

Which can make the thinking and wit of people like King Janak and Guru Vashishttha puzzled and confounded, to call such love as mundane or worldly is not right.

To describe in detail the event of separation of Bharat from Shri Ram and its impact would make the poet be seen as heartless hence for this the poet (i e Tulsi) also leaves the essence of it untold, the power to speak is reluctant to express considering that the delicacy of time and the quality of affectionate exchange would make the listener feel intense pain too.

Shri Ram met and consoled Bharat first and later brought Shatrughan cheerfully in to embrace. In the meantime taking a cue from Bharat the servants and the ministers went about their business of preparing for the journey back home. When the people on two sides representing Ayodhya and Mithila noticed this they too, though very much in a state of shock and grief, began to get equipped to leave for the journey.

The two brothers, Bharat and Shatrughan, prayed at the lotus feet of Shri Ram together and honoring the will of Shri Ram left the place; they also sought blessings from the Munies, the ascetics, and the guardian deities of the forests and well as paid their respects to them.

Then Bharat and Shatrughan met Lakshman and Shatrughan did Pranam to his elder brother Lakshman; both then picked up the dust of feet of Bhagwati Sita and received her affectionate blessings which would nourish their welfare and well being like root nourishes a plant.

We have now covered up o Doha 318 of Ayodhya Kand.

Bhavani Shankar ki Jai!
Shri Jankivallabho Vijayatey!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal

Ramcharit Charcha (Ayodhya Kand : Doha 315 & 316)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

तात तुम्हारि मोरि परिजन की। चिंता गुरहि नृपहि घर बन की।।
माथे पर गुर मुनि मिथिलेसू। हमहि तुम्हहि सपनेहुँ न कलेसू।।
मोर तुम्हार परम पुरुषारथु। स्वारथु सुजसु धरमु परमारथु।।
पितु आयसु पालिहिं दुहु भाई। लोक बेद भल भूप भलाई।।
गुर पितु मातु स्वामि सिख पालें। चलेहुँ कुमग पग परहिं न खालें।।
अस बिचारि सब सोच बिहाई। पालहु अवध अवधि भरि जाई।।
देसु कोसु परिजन परिवारू। गुर पद रजहिं लाग छरुभारू।।
तुम्ह मुनि मातु सचिव सिख मानी। पालेहु पुहुमि प्रजा रजधानी।।
दो0-मुखिआ मुखु सो चाहिऐ खान पान कहुँ एक।
पालइ पोषइ सकल अँग तुलसी सहित बिबेक।।315।।

Shri Ram told Bharat, “O Taat, our Guru and King Janak are mindful of the welfare of me, you and the family members, whether at home or in the forest. With Guru and King of Mithila as our protectors, we should not expect any kind of trouble, even in our dreams. Our selfish interest, our fame, religious obligation, and our ultimate benefit all will be served by our extreme effort only when we follow the dictate of our father. Only such a ruler is considered as worthy and good who he is engaged in service of people and this is endorsed by the Vedas and also known commonly.

“It is only to be understood that by following the advice and instructions of Guru, father, mother and the master and by treading on the path suggested by them none has ever suffered the painful boils on soles of their feet even if that path be a difficult path or supposedly undesirable path. With this view and shedding all reservation or worrisome attitude, you must come forward and serve and govern the state of Ayodhya for the entire length of my exile. The reality is that the welfare and security of our country, its treasury, our family, and of the citizens will be the responsibility of the dust of feet of our Guru (i e if we just are near the Guru and follow him and serve his feet). Sufficient for you is to take the advice of Munis, of mother and the ministers, and engage yourself in the protection of the land, its populace, and its capital.”

Tulsi says that Lord Shri Ram meant to say that a leader or a chief should be like a mouth which is just one organ meant for the intake of food and drinks but the benefit of it goes to the body’s every organ and part as per the need, so the chief of people should similarly use discretion.

We have now covered up to Doha 315 of Ayodhya Kand.

राजधरम सरबसु एतनोई। जिमि मन माहँ मनोरथ गोई।।
बंधु प्रबोधु कीन्ह बहु भाँती। बिनु अधार मन तोषु न साँती।।
भरत सील गुर सचिव समाजू। सकुच सनेह बिबस रघुराजू।।
प्रभु करि कृपा पाँवरीं दीन्हीं। सादर भरत सीस धरि लीन्हीं।।
चरनपीठ करुनानिधान के। जनु जुग जामिक प्रजा प्रान के।।
संपुट भरत सनेह रतन के। आखर जुग जुन जीव जतन के।।
कुल कपाट कर कुसल करम के। बिमल नयन सेवा सुधरम के।।
भरत मुदित अवलंब लहे तें। अस सुख जस सिय रामु रहे तें।।
दो0-मागेउ बिदा प्रनामु करि राम लिए उर लाइ।
लोग उचाटे अमरपति कुटिल कुअवसरु पाइ।।316।।

Shri Ram further told Bharat, “The Rajdharma, the duty prescribed for a king, requires one to keep it within the depth of heart.” This is how Shri Ram gave insight to brother Bharat in many ways but Bharat still did not find a base to stay on and be at rest and gain peace (for Bharat knew that he has to rely on Lord’s advice but without Him before his eyes he might not always be guided by that solemn advice). His love for Bharat and discipline and nobility of Bharat required Raghuraj Shri Ram to help him but in presence of Guru, minister and the gathering of people he felt a bit of unease in doing so. Lastly Lord Shri Ram gracefully gave Bharat His pair of wooden footwear which Bharat accepted with respect and placed them over his head (signifying his resolve to be guided by it at all times).

The pair of sandals of the merciful Lord represented the two posts to keep safe the life of the subjects, they were like a box made of two parts to keep safe the love of Bharat for Shri Ram, they were also like those two letters of the alphabet (‘Ra’ and ‘Ma’) which form the basis of the Jeeva’s salvation when recited together.
This pair of two sandals were as much as the doors to keep the noble deeds done by the family safely deposited behind them; these could be taken to be as the pair of healthy eyes to keep looking for what service and fair practices were to be undertaken by Bharat.
Bharat was now very happy and cheerful to have received these symbols and as much happiness as in presence of Bhagwati Sita and Lord Shri Ram.

Bharat then asked leave of Shri Ram while doing Pranam and Shri Ram responded by bringing him close to his heart. The spiteful king of gods thought that it was the moment for him to act fast and he disenchanted the people who now wished to leave instantly.

We have now covered up to Doha 316 of Ayodhya Kand.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Jankivallabho Vijayatey!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal

Ramcharit Charcha (Ayodhya Kand : Doha 313 & 314)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

भोर न्हाइ सबु जुरा समाजू। भरत भूमिसुर तेरहुति राजू।।
भल दिन आजु जानि मन माहीं। रामु कृपाल कहत सकुचाहीं।।
गुर नृप भरत सभा अवलोकी। सकुचि राम फिरि अवनि बिलोकी।।
सील सराहि सभा सब सोची। कहुँ न राम सम स्वामि सँकोची।।
भरत सुजान राम रुख देखी। उठि सप्रेम धरि धीर बिसेषी।।
करि दंडवत कहत कर जोरी। राखीं नाथ सकल रुचि मोरी।।
मोहि लगि सहेउ सबहिं संतापू। बहुत भाँति दुखु पावा आपू।।
अब गोसाइँ मोहि देउ रजाई। सेवौं अवध अवधि भरि जाई।।
दो0-जेहिं उपाय पुनि पाय जनु देखै दीनदयाल।
सो सिख देइअ अवधि लगि कोसलपाल कृपाल।।313।।

After the night passed all the people, including Bharat, Brahmins, and King of Mithila, assembled after taking bath, etc. Aware that it was good for all to return to homes, Shri Ram was still reluctant to broach the subject. Shri Ram glanced in the direction of Guru, King Janak, and Bharat and then towards the rest of the people only to turn his gaze looking at the ground with a bit of unease. All were appreciative of His civility and thought that none was as considerate and meekly patient as a master as Shri Ram was. Intelligent Bharat however could notice precisely what Shri Ram had in mind and he very patiently rose with an attitude of politeness and prostrated before Shri Ram and then said, “O Lord, O Master, You have taken care of my preferences and wishes entirely. Just for my sake, all have had to undergo a lot of discomfort and inconvenience; You also have had to suffer in many ways on my account. I wish now, my lord, that you give Your consent for me to leave here and go back to Ayodhya and serve it and manage its affairs till the end of the period of exile.

“I also want to know of the practices that will enable me to have the glimpse of the feet of You, the merciful one towards the humble and poor, once again. You as the real savior of and provider for Kaushala may give me such counsel and instructions that will see me through this trying period.”

We have now covered up to Doha 313 of Ayodhya Kand.

पुरजन परिजन प्रजा गोसाई। सब सुचि सरस सनेहँ सगाई।।
राउर बदि भल भव दुख दाहू। प्रभु बिनु बादि परम पद लाहू।।
स्वामि सुजानु जानि सब ही की। रुचि लालसा रहनि जन जी की।।
प्रनतपालु पालिहि सब काहू। देउ दुहू दिसि ओर निबाहू।।
अस मोहि सब बिधि भूरि भरोसो। किएँ बिचारु न सोचु खरो सो।।
आरति मोर नाथ कर छोहू। दुहुँ मिलि कीन्ह ढीठु हठि मोहू।।
यह बड़ दोषु दूरि करि स्वामी। तजि सकोच सिखइअ अनुगामी।।
भरत बिनय सुनि सबहिं प्रसंसी। खीर नीर बिबरन गति हंसी।।
दो0-दीनबंधु सुनि बंधु के बचन दीन छलहीन।
देस काल अवसर सरिस बोले रामु प्रबीन।।314।।

Bharat also said, ” Master, all citizens, the family members and the subjects of the state are of pure character and rejoice in their affectionate relationship with You. For Your sake it is good to suffer the miseries of the world but without You it is not good even to have the highest position, here in this world or in the world beyond.
“O Swami, You know of every ones’ interest, leanings and preferred ways of living and know what prevails in hearts of your servants and devotees; You as protector of the ones who surrender and as a provider, take care of them, whether in this world or the next world. I am now totally confident in every way when I assess the whole situation and it leaves me with little worry. My troubles and Your love and kindness, both mix-up and force me to become stubborn (for I thought that my troubles would be taken care of by You because you have a love for me but forgot for a while what precisely is my duty). By removing this fault in me and by having no other reservation You may now instruct and guide me, knowing me as Your obedient follower.”

Listening to Bharat’s humble request, all those who were present there praised him, they acknowledged that Bharat had shown the quality of a cygnet which could separate the milk from water ( i e Bharat displayed the ability to identify the substance and discard the superfluous).

Shri Ram, the friend of the underprivileged, attentively listened to the humble submission of brother Bharat which had no trace of deception; Shri Ram, then wisely addressed keeping in mind the sanctity of the place, time, and occasion.

We have now covered up to Doha 314 of Ayodhya kand.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Jankivallabho Vijayatey!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal

Ramcharit Charcha (Ayodhya Kand : Doha 311 & 312)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

कहत धरम इतिहास सप्रीती। भयउ भोरु निसि सो सुख बीती।।
नित्य निबाहि भरत दोउ भाई। राम अत्रि गुर आयसु पाई।।
सहित समाज साज सब सादें। चले राम बन अटन पयादें।।
कोमल चरन चलत बिनु पनहीं। भइ मृदु भूमि सकुचि मन मनहीं।।
कुस कंटक काँकरीं कुराईं। कटुक कठोर कुबस्तु दुराईं।।
महि मंजुल मृदु मारग कीन्हे। बहत समीर त्रिबिध सुख लीन्हे।।
सुमन बरषि सुर घन करि छाहीं। बिटप फूलि फलि तृन मृदुताहीं।।
मृग बिलोकि खग बोलि सुबानी। सेवहिं सकल राम प्रिय जानी।।
दो0-सुलभ सिद्धि सब प्राकृतहु राम कहत जमुहात।
राम प्रान प्रिय भरत कहुँ यह न होइ बड़ि बात।।311।।

Upon return, the people spent the whole night talking about the matters relating to religion, the history about religion, and other connected histories (with the important issue now almost settled and amid enlightened Munis, none wanted to forgo this opportunity). In the morning the two brothers, Bharat and Shatrughan first attended to their morning time routine and rituals and then taking permission from Shri Ram, Muni Attri, and Guru Vashishttha, they left for a visit to the deeper regions of the jungles on foot together with rest of the people and equipped with needed paraphernalia.

That Bharat and Shatrughan walked barefoot though they had tender soles. The earth became soft with her heart filled with consideration for them, she concealed all harsh objects like thorns and pointed pebbles, etc. In this way, the mother earth made the tracks and ruts smooth and pleasure-giving; the cool and fragrant breeze pleased the brothers. The gods showered flowers and clouds concealed the sun, the trees provided fruits and flowers and also dropped their soft leaves for making the ground comfortable. The birds sang songs for them and the animals eyed them with love. Every department of the forest came forward to serve them knowing them to be darlings of Shri Ram.

When all kinds of Siddhis (supernatural powers) come to a person who utters Ram Naam (Lord’s name ‘Ram’) even while yawning, it’s no wonder that those Siddhis came to please Bharat, he is after all dearest to Shri Ram.

We have now covered up to Doha 311 of Ayodhya Kand.

एहि बिधि भरतु फिरत बन माहीं। नेमु प्रेमु लखि मुनि सकुचाहीं।।
पुन्य जलाश्रय भूमि बिभागा। खग मृग तरु तृन गिरि बन बागा।।
चारु बिचित्र पबित्र बिसेषी। बूझत भरतु दिब्य सब देखी।।
सुनि मन मुदित कहत रिषिराऊ। हेतु नाम गुन पुन्य प्रभाऊ।।
कतहुँ निमज्जन कतहुँ प्रनामा। कतहुँ बिलोकत मन अभिरामा।।
कतहुँ बैठि मुनि आयसु पाई। सुमिरत सीय सहित दोउ भाई।।
देखि सुभाउ सनेहु सुसेवा। देहिं असीस मुदित बनदेवा।।
फिरहिं गएँ दिनु पहर अढ़ाई। प्रभु पद कमल बिलोकहिं आई।।
दो0-देखे थल तीरथ सकल भरत पाँच दिन माझ।
कहत सुनत हरि हर सुजसु गयउ दिवसु भइ साँझ।।312।।

This is how Bharat now roamed about in the forest but his discipline and affectionate care made even the Munis look at him with appreciation. Pious and pure water bodies, the godly lands and its various departments, the birds and animals. the trees and grass lands, the hillocks, tracts of forest and beautiful gardens all of which had charm and attraction beside being pure and pristine made Bharat look at them with keen interest and notice divinity of the place. Bharat with joyful heart listened to Muni who explained the benign influence of all that was visible and what those places were called and stood for. Bharat went about enjoying what was there at some points and bowed down in reverence at some other places. He just keenly looked at some of the heart stealing beautiful spots.

At some spots, both brothers stayed for a while with Muni’s permission and spent time remembering Bhagwati Sita and Lord Shri Ram. The guardian deities of the forest gave them blessing when they noted them having an attitude of love and service for all. Brothers used to remain in the forest till some time before dusk and then return to have a glimpse of the feet of the Lord (Shri Ram).

Bharat visited all the interesting places and the sacred spots (the Teerthas) in five days. Discussing the glories of Lord Hari and Mahadev Shiv during this last day too Bharat found that the evening hour was now approaching.

(We should learn from Bharat how he visited the natural spots, we should learn that all such places should be visited with the least disturbance and with much care and attention. The sanctity of such regions should be maintained as a matter of duty. Modern society is forgetting it and that’s a crime.)

We have now covered up to Doha 312 of Ayodhya Kand.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Jankivallabho Vijayatey!
Sant Samaj ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal

Ramcharit Charcha (Ayodhya Kand : Doha 309 & 310)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

धन्य भरत जय राम गोसाईं। कहत देव हरषत बरिआई।
मुनि मिथिलेस सभाँ सब काहू। भरत बचन सुनि भयउ उछाहू।।
भरत राम गुन ग्राम सनेहू। पुलकि प्रसंसत राउ बिदेहू।।
सेवक स्वामि सुभाउ सुहावन। नेमु पेमु अति पावन पावन।।
मति अनुसार सराहन लागे। सचिव सभासद सब अनुरागे।।
सुनि सुनि राम भरत संबादू। दुहु समाज हियँ हरषु बिषादू।।
राम मातु दुखु सुखु सम जानी। कहि गुन राम प्रबोधीं रानी।।
एक कहहिं रघुबीर बड़ाई। एक सराहत भरत भलाई।।
दो0-अत्रि कहेउ तब भरत सन सैल समीप सुकूप।
राखिअ तीरथ तोय तहँ पावन अमिअ अनूप।।309।।

The gods busied themselves in thanking Bharat and hailing Shri Ram with aplomb and cheer. Munis and King Janak and the rest of the people there were now upbeat after listening to the words of Bharat (for it provided them with an opportunity to visit the interesting spots). Videh, the king, zestfully praised both Shri Ram and Bharat for the host of virtues they possessed and for the love they had for each other. The ministers and the members of the assembly there also noted the agreeable temperament and pleasant nature of the Swami (master and lord) Shri Ram and of the Sevak (the servant and bhakta) Bharat, they found that both had a straight approach and well-considered resolve as well as their love for each other was selfless and pure; all of them appreciated this according to their understanding while they possessed an affectionate mood towards them both.

Listening to the exchanges between Shri Ram Bharat the people from both sides i.e Ayodhya and Mithila had feelings of happiness as well as of remorse as some part of it was to their liking and some part hard to digest. Mother of Lord Shri Ram, however, took it with equanimity, for her, it was the same both ways i.e whether Bharat went into the jungle or Shri Ram went and explained it all to other queens by recounting the virtues of Shri Ram. Now some praised Shri Ram and some laid stress on the gentility and congeniality of Bharat.

Rishi Attri then told Bharat about a well near the mountain where Bharat could place the waters of the Teerthas where it would remain pure like nectar and would become more special.

We have now covered up to Doha 309 of Ayodhya Kand.

भरत अत्रि अनुसासन पाई। जल भाजन सब दिए चलाई।।
सानुज आपु अत्रि मुनि साधू। सहित गए जहँ कूप अगाधू।।
पावन पाथ पुन्यथल राखा। प्रमुदित प्रेम अत्रि अस भाषा।।
तात अनादि सिद्ध थल एहू। लोपेउ काल बिदित नहिं केहू।।
तब सेवकन्ह सरस थलु देखा। किन्ह सुजल हित कूप बिसेषा।।
बिधि बस भयउ बिस्व उपकारू। सुगम अगम अति धरम बिचारू।।
भरतकूप अब कहिहहिं लोगा। अति पावन तीरथ जल जोगा।।
प्रेम सनेम निमज्जत प्रानी। होइहहिं बिमल करम मन बानी।।
दो0-कहत कूप महिमा सकल गए जहाँ रघुराउ।
अत्रि सुनायउ रघुबरहि तीरथ पुन्य प्रभाउ।।310।।

Bharat upon receiving the instructions of Muni Attri, asked his men to carry the vessels containing waters of the holy places and accompanied by younger brother Shatrughan, Muni Attri and other Sadhus in the group reached the spot where the well of immense depth was to be found. The holy water brought from all sacred places was then placed at that sacred and auspicious point. Muni Attri, with pleasure and sweet feelings, began to explain the importance of that place and said, “O Taat (beloved young man), since times immemorial this has been a place having many special qualities and it provides accomplishments easily but with passage of time it had been forgotten and none had idea of its being here. The servants examined the place and found it to be containing water in its depths and to make that pure water available they dug up a well with care. By the grace of lord, entire world had the benefit of this substantial gift, due to placement of holy water of many sacred places there, it was now easy to have all benefits, from religious angle as well, of all those distant Teerthas.

This well was now going to be known as Bharat Koop (the well of Bharat) which had become sacred and pure because of its having received the waters of Teerthas. Bathing in its water was now going to make one pure in deeds, in heart and mind, and speech.
All went back to Raghuraj Shri Ram recounting the glories of the well (for they had themselves had the benefit after bathing in its water and felt it working as proclaimed by Muni). Reaching there Muni Attri told Shri Ram all the beneficial effects of that well that had now become a Teertha.

(This well, known as Bharat Koop, is in Banda District of Uttar Pradesh, India near mount Chitrakoot. I have visited that place and can endorse the fact that water of that well tastes so good that no other water can compare and its touch gives immense pleasure. The water level is just two-three feet below the ground and one needs no kind of help to get it.)

We have now covered up to Doha 310 of Ayodhya Kand.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Jankivallabho Vijayatey!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal

Ramcharit Charcha (Ayodhya Kand : Doha 307 & 308)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

सभा सकल सुनि रघुबर बानी। प्रेम पयोधि अमिअ जनु सानी।।
सिथिल समाज सनेह समाधी। देखि दसा चुप सारद साधी।।
भरतहि भयउ परम संतोषू। सनमुख स्वामि बिमुख दुख दोषू।।
मुख प्रसन्न मन मिटा बिषादू। भा जनु गूँगेहि गिरा प्रसादू।।
कीन्ह सप्रेम प्रनामु बहोरी। बोले पानि पंकरुह जोरी।।
नाथ भयउ सुखु साथ गए को। लहेउँ लाहु जग जनमु भए को।।
अब कृपाल जस आयसु होई। करौं सीस धरि सादर सोई।।
सो अवलंब देव मोहि देई। अवधि पारु पावौं जेहि सेई।।
दो0-देव देव अभिषेक हित गुर अनुसासनु पाइ।
आनेउँ सब तीरथ सलिलु तेहि कहँ काह रजाइ।।307।।

Everyone in the assembly listened to the talk of Shri Ram which was like an ocean of milk and was laced with nectar-like substance (i e it nourished them and gave hope). A perplexed lot of the people had now been placed in Samadhi (in a state of spiritual trance) like situation on account of an atmosphere of love there; viewing this Goddess Saraswati now stopped her instinctive interference to let all enjoy it. Bharat also now felt immensely pleased, for him his master was now favorably inclined towards him, and his faults did not matter now and the troubles causing him distress had become ineffective. His face regained glow due to happiness and his heart came out of the grieving state. It was like a dumb person getting the reward of regaining the power to speak.

With love and reverence, Bharat bowed down and began to speak while humbly joining the palms of his hands. Bharat said, “Lord, I have now the same pleasure and satisfaction that I expected from accompanying you and I take this to be the reward of my being born (i e the ultimate reward that one may expect of living).

“O Merciful One, whatever be your command, I want to respectfully carry it out with total devotion and acceptance. I still want a token of your support which will enable me to be successful and would give strength to me to negotiate the period of Your exile by serving it (if not You directly but this as a symbol of Yours).

“My Provider, I have also brought waters of all the sacred places for Abhishek (anointment of the deities at the time of Your coronation) as per instructions of Guru. Since it will no more be needed for the intended purpose, I seek Your view as to what treatment it be given.”

(Here we see Bharat instantly agreeing to what Shri Ram said to him. A Bhakta is only confused till he is unaware of the intent of the Lord and not a second after he comes to know the mind of the Lord. Bharat established the principle that only the path suggested by Lord is good for him and nothing else or his will matters. A second principle established by Bharat here is that a Bhakta is only able to maintain his capacity to do as per the will of the Lord when he has support from Him, he never imagines a situation where his strength is sufficient. Since a Bhakta wishes to serve the Lord at all times and as a human might get distracted, he wants to hold on to some symbol representing the Lord and therefore wants to have it. Hinduism accepts both, the practice of meditating upon abstract God like King Janak did and the practice of worshiping a symbol of Lord like Bharat intends to do. Only a few can be proficient in the first type of practice but the second type of practice is for all to keep progressing over time.)

We have now covered up to Doha 307 of Ayodhya Kand.

एकु मनोरथु बड़ मन माहीं। सभयँ सकोच जात कहि नाहीं।।
कहहु तात प्रभु आयसु पाई। बोले बानि सनेह सुहाई।।
चित्रकूट सुचि थल तीरथ बन। खग मृग सर सरि निर्झर गिरिगन।।
प्रभु पद अंकित अवनि बिसेषी। आयसु होइ त आवौं देखी।।
अवसि अत्रि आयसु सिर धरहू। तात बिगतभय कानन चरहू।।
मुनि प्रसाद बनु मंगल दाता। पावन परम सुहावन भ्राता।।
रिषिनायकु जहँ आयसु देहीं। राखेहु तीरथ जलु थल तेहीं।।
सुनि प्रभु बचन भरत सुख पावा। मुनि पद कमल मुदित सिरु नावा।।
दो0-भरत राम संबादु सुनि सकल सुमंगल मूल।
सुर स्वारथी सराहि कुल बरषत सुरतरु फूल।।308।।

Bharat then put forth before Bhagwan Shri Ram his dilemma that he had one strong wish but was reluctant to ask. Shri Ram then asked his younger brother Bharat to make it known. With Lord’s permission Bharat spoke in a very loving tone, “Chitrakoot has many pure spots and sacred places (the Teerthas) and forests. It abounds in birds, animals, ponds, rivers, and waterfalls beside the hills. Some of these places have had the stamp of the feet of the Lord, particularly those spots I want to go and see if permitted.”

Shri Ram replied to Bharat saying, “Surely you may do so, just get the permission from Muni Attri and roam about in the forest free from any kind of fear afterward. It is the grace of the of Muni that the forest is a provider of enjoyment and is so sacred and pure and pleasant in every way, My Brother. Further, you may follow the instruction of the Rishinayak (the leader of the Rishis) for depositing the sacred waters that you have brought.”

Shri Ram’s words pleased Bharat and he went about seeking permission of Muni and bowed down before him.

The selfish gods listened to what transpired between Shri Ram and Bharat which was nothing but the source of all types of welfare and good tidings and they now appreciated the family Shri Ram and Bharat belonged to. Honoring thus they showered the flowers picked from the celestial tree.

We have now covered up to Doha 308 of Ayodhya Kand.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Jankivallabho Vijayatey!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal