Ramcharit Charcha (Ayodhya Kand : Doha 249 & 250)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

राम बचन सुनि सभय समाजू। जनु जलनिधि महुँ बिकल जहाजू।।
सुनि गुर गिरा सुमंगल मूला। भयउ मनहुँ मारुत अनुकुला।।
पावन पयँ तिहुँ काल नहाहीं। जो बिलोकि अंघ ओघ नसाहीं।।
मंगलमूरति लोचन भरि भरि। निरखहिं हरषि दंडवत करि करि।।
राम सैल बन देखन जाहीं। जहँ सुख सकल सकल दुख नाहीं।।
झरना झरिहिं सुधासम बारी। त्रिबिध तापहर त्रिबिध बयारी।।
बिटप बेलि तृन अगनित जाती। फल प्रसून पल्लव बहु भाँती।।
सुंदर सिला सुखद तरु छाहीं। जाइ बरनि बन छबि केहि पाहीं।।
दो0-सरनि सरोरुह जल बिहग कूजत गुंजत भृंग।
बैर बिगत बिहरत बिपिन मृग बिहंग बहुरंग।।249।।

The words of Shri Ram instilled fear in the hearts of all those present there because none wished to leave Shri Ram. They felt as if they were on a ship amid the ocean that was about to sink due to turbulence. But when they listened to Guru’s voice containing advice to Shri Ram which was beneficial to them only and as per their interest, they felt that the winds had become favorable for them stabilizing the ship. Now when all were to stay back for a few more days they began to enjoy their time and bathed in the pious stream three times a day, the water of which had the power to destroy past sins just when looked at (in Indian religious tradition Sandhya-Vandan i.e worshiping when times meet i.e at the dawn, the noon and the dusk, is done three times after purifying the body). After purification, they used to have an eyeful Darshan (sight) of Shri Ram, the very embodiment of their welfare, and happily prostrate before Him time and again.

(In the ordinary course, the worshipers have to fix thought upon the God and use symbols for concentration, here they had the luxury of having the Lord right before eyes, such was the good luck of people of Ayodhya)

The people of Ayodhya then used to go to roam about the mountain where Shri Ram had put up and the forest around it. They used to find all kinds of joys and comforts there and total absence of difficulties and sorrows (in the vicinity of Shri Ram it only is natural). The waterfalls oozed nectar-like water and the cool and fragrant breeze flowed slowly there which could cure/remove the three types of afflictions (Tapas) i.e of the body (Daihik), of fate/luck (Daivik), and physical/natural disturbances (Bhautik).

There were trees of many kinds as also the creepers therefore the fruits, leaves and flowers of many varieties could be found there. Under the pleasure-giving shades of trees, there were beautiful rocks that were fit for sitting and enjoying the pristine glory of the forest region.

There in the ponds, lotus flowers bloomed and the waterbirds floated while the bees hummed. Animals of various types and birds of various colors played there without posing any kind of threat to each other.

We have now covered up to Doha 249 of Ayodhya Kand.

कोल किरात भिल्ल बनबासी। मधु सुचि सुंदर स्वादु सुधा सी।।
भरि भरि परन पुटीं रचि रुरी। कंद मूल फल अंकुर जूरी।।
सबहि देहिं करि बिनय प्रनामा। कहि कहि स्वाद भेद गुन नामा।।
देहिं लोग बहु मोल न लेहीं। फेरत राम दोहाई देहीं।।
कहहिं सनेह मगन मृदु बानी। मानत साधु पेम पहिचानी।।
तुम्ह सुकृती हम नीच निषादा। पावा दरसनु राम प्रसादा।।
हमहि अगम अति दरसु तुम्हारा। जस मरु धरनि देवधुनि धारा।।
राम कृपाल निषाद नेवाजा। परिजन प्रजउ चहिअ जस राजा।।
दो0-यह जिँयँ जानि सँकोचु तजि करिअ छोहु लखि नेहु।
हमहि कृतारथ करन लगि फल तृन अंकुर लेहु।।250।।

The members of forest tribes used to offer, in cups made of leaves, pure and tasty honey and also stems, roots, fruits and sprouted seeds to all with respect. They used to politely request them to have what they brought for them, explaining the variety and tastes, telling its effect and names. In return, the new-comers there used to offer money which the forest-dwellers used to return beseeching in the name of Shri Ram to keep it back. They told them in soft tones, “The noble and kind recognize the love easily (and love can’t be exchanged for money is what they knew). You all are very virtuous and well established in religious practices while we are a community of low status; we have been lucky to have had occasion to see and meet you only on account of the grace of the Lord Shri Ram as you have come here seeking the company of Shri Ram. Otherwise, you would not have come and we would have missed seeing you in the same way as the desert region misses the stream of divine river flowing through it.

“The merciful Lord Shri Ram was kind enough to befriend and bless our chief Nishadraj Guha; family members of king and citizens of his city should follow the king hence keeping this in mind and shedding your reluctance, only considering our love for you, you must show your affection towards us and oblige us by accepting the fruits and other things of little value that we have to offer.”

(While the people of high status think of settling obligations by giving money, the humbler classes understand the real value of love and never think in terms of money for this divine emotion. Lord Ram always respected this simplicity of heart of the villagers and forest-dwellers and saw no reason to stay away from them.)

We have now covered up to Doha 250 of Ayodhya Kand.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Jankivallabho Vijayatey!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal

Ramcharit Charcha (Bal Kand : Doha 250)

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

नृप भुजबल बिधु सिवधनु राहू। गरुअ कठोर बिदित सब काहू।।
रावनु बानु महाभट भारे। देखि सरासन गवँहिं सिधारे।।
सोइ पुरारि कोदंडु कठोरा। राज समाज आजु जोइ तोरा।।
त्रिभुवन जय समेत बैदेही।।बिनहिं बिचार बरइ हठि तेही।।
सुनि पन सकल भूप अभिलाषे। भटमानी अतिसय मन माखे।।
परिकर बाँधि उठे अकुलाई। चले इष्टदेवन्ह सिर नाई।।
तमकि ताकि तकि सिवधनु धरहीं। उठइ न कोटि भाँति बलु करहीं।।
जिन्ह के कछु बिचारु मन माहीं। चाप समीप महीप न जाहीं।।
दो0-तमकि धरहिं धनु मूढ़ नृप उठइ न चलहिं लजाइ।
मनहुँ पाइ भट बाहुबलु अधिकु अधिकु गरुआइ।।250।।

The announcers declared, “O Kings, the might of your arms may be like moon but here the bow of Shiv is like Rahu (Rahu the planet responsible for the moon’s eclipse and hence may diminish the might of the arms of kings); it is enormous, heavy and made of hard stuff, you all know it already. Ravan and Banasur whom you know as great warriors have already left after having a look at the bow. It is that strong and hard (difficult to handle) bow of Purari (Shiv) and whoever from among the royal assembly (i e only a person of royal descent) will break it today that person will be declared the winner of three worlds (on account of breaking the bow of Lord Shiv) and Sita would marry that person without any other further considerations.”

Listening to the vow, all the kings became interested but those who had pride in their being brave became much ore inclined. These restless ones got up immediately, tightening their belts and bowing down their heads before their chosen deity (to get the divine blessings too). They tried their hands at lifting the bow very eagerly and angrily but all their labor did not yield any result though they applied all the tricks available with them. Those of the king who had better understanding about what they were faced with did not even go near the bow.

The foolish kings there grabbed the bow with great effort to move it but when it did not move an inch they went away, ashamed about their incapacity. It seemed as if the bow was getting heavier by absorbing the might of each one of the warriors who touched it.

We have now covered up to Doha 250 of Bal Kand in Ramcharit Manas of Tulsidas.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
prabhu Shri Ram Ki Jai!
Sant Samaj Ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Hari Om,
Krishna Khandelwal

(In the world there are many things that belong to God only but we wish for its possession out of our foolishness without deserving it. We compete with each other, all pray for it and want the gods to grant it to us without thinking that how the one’s own god would succeed when equally powerful or the very same god is relied up on by the competitors. It is very necessary to determine what we deserve first and then only have wish for it, only then the God will make conditions for you to get it. When people get power drunk this simple matter is not understood by them and then failures happens and dejection takes place. If on the other hand we simply help and wish for, a person who deserves to get what he deserves so much bad-blood and un-necessary effort can be saved.)

Ramcharit Charcha CDLXXXIII

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

करि पितु क्रिया बेद जसि बरनी। भे पुनीत पातक तम तरनी।।
जासु नाम पावक अघ तूला। सुमिरत सकल सुमंगल मूला।।
सुद्ध सो भयउ साधु संमत अस। तीरथ आवाहन सुरसरि जस।।
सुद्ध भएँ दुइ बासर बीते। बोले गुर सन राम पिरीते।।
नाथ लोग सब निपट दुखारी। कंद मूल फल अंबु अहारी।।
सानुज भरतु सचिव सब माता। देखि मोहि पल जिमि जुग जाता।।
सब समेत पुर धारिअ पाऊ। आपु इहाँ अमरावति राऊ।।
बहुत कहेउँ सब कियउँ ढिठाई। उचित होइ तस करिअ गोसाँई।।
दो0-धर्म सेतु करुनायतन कस न कहहु अस राम।
लोग दुखित दिन दुइ दरस देखि लहहुँ बिश्राम।।248।।

We covered up to Doha 248 of Ayodhya Kand in Ramcharit manas of Tulsidas in the last post and learned that Shri Ram observed all the rituals, meant for sake of departed ancestors and for getting purified as prescribed in the Vedas under, guidance of Guru. That the Lord whose name itself is sufficient to burn down all the sins one might have committed, performed rituals for getting purified is like inviting/invoking Teerathas (the known holy spots) to where Ganges (the all purifying river) flows. After two days passed Shri Ram, concerned about the plight of people who had been having meals consisting of just fruits and roots after an arduous journey from Ayodhya, told Guru in all humility that it seemed right to Him that all should now leave back for Ayodhya; He also made another point that as King Dashrath had departed Ayodhya had only Guru Vashishttha who remained its guardian. Guru then told Shri Ram that the people were distressed upon being separated from Him and therefore let them enjoy His (ShriRam’s) glimpses for some time and let them be at rest for a day or two; Guru also appreciated Shri Ram’s kindness towards people and His devotion to Dharma (righteous duties towards all others) that leads everyone in right direction..

राम बचन सुनि सभय समाजू। जनु जलनिधि महुँ बिकल जहाजू।।
सुनि गुर गिरा सुमंगल मूला। भयउ मनहुँ मारुत अनुकुला।।
पावन पयँ तिहुँ काल नहाहीं। जो बिलोकि अंघ ओघ नसाहीं।।
मंगलमूरति लोचन भरि भरि। निरखहिं हरषि दंडवत करि करि।।
राम सैल बन देखन जाहीं। जहँ सुख सकल सकल दुख नाहीं।।
झरना झरिहिं सुधासम बारी। त्रिबिध तापहर त्रिबिध बयारी।।
बिटप बेलि तृन अगनित जाती। फल प्रसून पल्लव बहु भाँती।।
सुंदर सिला सुखद तरु छाहीं। जाइ बरनि बन छबि केहि पाहीं।।
दो0-सरनि सरोरुह जल बिहग कूजत गुंजत भृंग।
बैर बिगत बिहरत बिपिन मृग बिहंग बहुरंग।।249।।

The words of Shri Ram instilled fear in hearts of all those present there because none wished to leave Shri Ram. They felt as if they were on a ship in the midst of ocean that was about to sink due to turbulence. But when they listened to Guru’s voice containing advice to Shri Ram which was beneficial to them only and as per their interest, they felt that the winds had become favorable for them stabilizing the ship. Now when all were to stay back for a few more days they began to enjoy their time and bathed in the pious stream three times a day, water of which had power to destroy past sins just when looked at (in Indian religious tradition Sandhya-vandan i e worshiping when times meet i e at the dawn, the noon and the dusk, is done three times after purifying the body). After purification they used to have eyeful Darshan (sight) of Shri Ram, the very embodiment of their welfare and happily prostrate before Him time and again.

(In ordinary course, the worshipers have to fix thought upon the God and use symbols for concentration, here they had the luxury of having the Lord right before eyes, such was the good luck of people of Ayodhya)

The people of Ayodhya then used to go to roam about the mountain where Shri Ram had put up and the forest around it. They used to find all kinds of joys and comforts there and total absence of difficulties and sorrows (in the vicinity of Shri Ram it only is natural). The waterfalls oozed nectar like water and the cool and fragrant breeze flowed slowly there which had capacity to cure/remove the three types of afflictions (Tapas) i e of body (Daihik), of fate/luck (Daivik) and of physical/natural disturbances (Bhautik).

There were trees of many kinds as also the creepers therefore the fruits, leaves and flowers of many varieties could be found there. Under the pleasure giving shades of trees there were beautiful rocks which were fit for sitting and enjoying the pristine glory of the forest region.

In the ponds there lotus flowers bloomed and the waterbirds floated while the bees hummed. Animals of various types and birds of various colors played there without posing any kind of threat to each other.

We have now covered up to Doha 249 of Ayodhya Kand.

कोल किरात भिल्ल बनबासी। मधु सुचि सुंदर स्वादु सुधा सी।।
भरि भरि परन पुटीं रचि रुरी। कंद मूल फल अंकुर जूरी।।
सबहि देहिं करि बिनय प्रनामा। कहि कहि स्वाद भेद गुन नामा।।
देहिं लोग बहु मोल न लेहीं। फेरत राम दोहाई देहीं।।
कहहिं सनेह मगन मृदु बानी। मानत साधु पेम पहिचानी।।
तुम्ह सुकृती हम नीच निषादा। पावा दरसनु राम प्रसादा।।
हमहि अगम अति दरसु तुम्हारा। जस मरु धरनि देवधुनि धारा।।
राम कृपाल निषाद नेवाजा। परिजन प्रजउ चहिअ जस राजा।।
दो0-यह जिँयँ जानि सँकोचु तजि करिअ छोहु लखि नेहु।
हमहि कृतारथ करन लगि फल तृन अंकुर लेहु।।250।।

The members of forest tribes used to offer, in cups made of leaves, pure and tasty honey and also stems, roots, fruits and sprouted seeds to all with respect. They used to politely request them to have what they brought for them, explaining the variety and tastes, telling its effect and names. In return the new-comers there used to offer money which the forest-dwellers used to return beseeching in the name of Shri Ram to keep it back. They told them in soft tones , “The noble and kind recognize the love easily (and love can’t be exchanged for money is what they knew). You all are very virtuous and well established in religious practices while we are a community of low status; we have been lucky to have had occasion to see and meet you only on account of grace of the Lord Shri Ram as you have come here seeking company of Shri Ram. Otherwise you would not have come and we would have missed seeing you in the same way as the desert region misses the stream of divine river flowing through it.

“The merciful Lord Shri Ram was kind enough to befriend and bless our chief Nishadraj Guha; family members of king and citizens of his city should follow the king hence keeping this in mind and shedding your reluctance, only considering our love for you, you must show your affection towards us and oblige us by accepting the fruits and other things of little value that we have to offer.”

(While the people of high status think of settling obligations by giving money, the humbler classes understand the real value of love and never think in terms of money for this divine emotion. Lord Ram always respected this simplicity of heart of the villagers and forest-dwellers and saw no reason to stay away from them.)

We have now covered up to Doha 250 of Ayodhya Kand.

Bhavani Shankar Ki Jai!
Shri Jankivallabho vijayatey!
Sant Samaj ko Pranam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Krishna Khandelwal

Ramcharit Charcha CCXLI

II Shree Guruvey Namah II

Jai Shri Ram,

II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II
II Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram II

We covere up to Doha 249 of Balkand in Ramcharit Manas of Tulsidas in the last post and learned that people present at the venue were stunned looking at the unworldy beauty of both Ram and Sita and wished for their getting married to each other and thought that it was foolish on the part of Janak to still stick to his vow while such a decent match was already in sight there. They thought that all would approve this and on the contrary it will be very upsetting to all if not so done. In the mean time Videh Janak called his courtiers to publicly announce his vow (here the contradiction in behaviour of Janak is apperant, as Videh i e someone who is above body related concerns and above physicality is avowed to marry his daughter when a physical condition is fulfilled but thats the way the world is, the gross world has still to be respected in some measure by even those who have become totally enlightened, the Leelas of Almighty Lord who has taken avatar in human form as Shri Ram can only be thus enjoyed).

The announcers declared, “O Kings, the might of your arms may be like moon but here the bow of Shiv is like Rahu (Rahu the planet responsible for the moon’s eclipse and hence may diminish the might of the arms of kings); it is enormous, heavy and made of hard stuff, you all know it already. Ravan and Banasur whom you know as great warriors have already left after having a look at the bow. It is that strong and hard (difficult to handle) bow of Purari (Shiv) and whoever from among the royal assembly (i e only a person of royal descent) will break it today that person will be declared the winner of three worlds (on account of breaking the bow of Lord Shiv) and Sita would marry that person without any other further considerations.”

Listening to the vow, all the kings became interested but those who had pride in their being brave became much ore inclined. These restless ones got up immediately, tightening their belts and bowing down their heads before their chosen deity (to get the divine blessings too). They tried their hands at lifting the bow very eagerly and agrily but all their labor did not yield any result though they applied all the tricks available with them. Those of the king who had better understanding about what they were faced with did not even go near the bow.

The foolish kings there grabbed the bow with great effort to move it but when it did not move an inch they went away, ashamed about their incapacity. It seemed as if the bow was getting heavier by absorbing the might of each one of the warriors who touched it.

We have now covered up to Doha 250 of Balkand.

Bhavani Shaankar Ki Jai!
prabhu Shri Ram Ki Jai!
Sant Samaaj Ko Pranaam!
Goswami Tulsidas Ki Jai!

Hari Om,
Krishna Khandelwal

(In the world there are many things that belong to God only but we wish for its possession out of our foolishness without deserving it. We compete with each other, all pray for it and want the gods to grant it to us without thinking that how the one’s own god would succeed when equally powerful or the very same god is relied up on by the competitors. It is very necessary to determine what we deserve first and then only have wish for it, only then the God will make conditions for you to get it. When people get power drunk this simple matter is not understood by them and then failures happens and dejection takes place. If on the other hand we simply help and wish for, a person who deserves to get what he deserves so much bad-blood and un-necessary effort can be saved.)